I recently flew from Boston to Pittsburgh. The most common non-stop options for this route are Delta, Jetblue and American. For Jetblue and American, they mostly fly a one cabin aircraft. Interestingly, Delta offers a 3-class cabins on this segment. I’d normally fly coach for short domestic segments, but I opted to try out First class cabin on Delta given a cheap upgrade dealTrying out the Bombardier CRJ-900
There are 12 seats in the First class cabin, set in a 1-2 configuration. I opted for a one seater on the left as it seemed to afford more space/privacy.
Flight experience
The flight time is only a little under 1.5 hours, so I didn’t expect much for this flight.
The Delta flight attendants were very pleasant. One stopped by and offered a pre-flight drink. I opted for soda. I took one snack and the flight attendant offered me another.

Gogo/Wifi service was available on the flight, but it error-ed out. I gave up after a while.
Bags Gate Checked and Overhead Bin Space
I was surprised to see gate agents tagging bags to be gate checked prior to boarding. Fortunately, I had a small carryon bag that would fit under the seats so my bag wasn’t flagged. I can see why once I boarded. The bins on the left side of the plane (at least in the F cabin) are small. I could hardly fit a medium size shoulder bag in there. The overhead bin on the right side of the plane are the standard size ones.
Unless you are one of the early ones to board or unless you can fit your bags under your seat, the overhead bin space can only fit so much.
The only thing that surprised me slightly is that there were open seats in the cabin. I half expected all of them to be filled up.
All in all, it’s a very short, but comfortable and uneventful flight. That’s just the way I like it.
Have you flown this route before? What’s your experience on Delta compared to other carriers on this route?
I had my carry on flagged to be checked on a similar Delta flight. And they had the nerve to tell me it wasn’t carry on size, just because there wasn’t any more room in the tiny overhead compartments. A similar uneventful flight.