American Airlines Premium Lounge Terminal E Miami Review Bottom Line


My inbound flight from Dallas was 1 hour early (yes, you read that correctly), so as is usual at Miami, we had to wait for a gate to be available. This process only took 15 minutes and we arrived with about 40 left before our scheduled arrival time. My flight for Doha was leaving from terminal E, so I took the train to the terminal connector and decided to wait for boarding at the American Premium Lounge Terminal E.

American Airlines 777 at MIA

American Airlines 777 at MIA

American Airlines 777 at MIA

American Airlines 777 at MIA

MIA Terminal D Ramp

MIA Terminal D Ramp

American 777-300 ER

American 777-300 ER

Accessing the Lounge

OneWorld Premium Lounge Terminal E MIA

OneWorld Premium Lounge Terminal E MIA

Usually, people can only access the lounge if they are travelling out of Terminal E AND they are either OW Sapphire or Emerald travelling internationally. The lounge is also open to BA, Iberia, American, Qatar and Air Berlin premium passengers. Recently, however, AA started allowing Admirals’ Club members to access the lounge if they were departing from Terminal E.


To get to the lounge, you have to take a 1960’s looking elevator, that is as dim as a night club. Probably not the best entrance to a premium lounge, but I digress. As soon as I arrived, I nice lady took my boarding pass, scanned it and told me to go to the gate early as I would need to get a Qatar issued boarding pass to board.

OneWorld Premium Lounge Terminal E MIA

OneWorld Premium Lounge Terminal E MIA

The Lounge In all Its (Long Gone) Glory

As I entered the lounge, I saw that it was fairly empty. There were flight monitors to the right of the check in counter and a small hallway that was reserved for staff only. There were quite a few decorative sculptures in brass, I liked the aesthetic, but they weren’t over the top. Continuing cross the lounge, here were a few working stations, each with power ports and a chair. There was also wireless printing for all your needs.

OneWorld Terminal E Lounge

OneWorld Terminal E Lounge

Work Carrels

Work Carrels

OneWorld Terminal E Lounge

OneWorld Terminal E Lounge

The lounge was divided into seating areas, some were there was nothing but chairs, others had a TV, and there was the shell of a bar. The bar’s glory days had long passed, as it was not just a seating counter with TVs above it. The lounge had some amazing views of the tarmac. But there was also some gaudy, weird furniture. The main separator of the lounge was a small bridge that contained the main seating area for the food.

Unused Bar

Unused Bar

OneWorld Terminal E Lounge

OneWorld Terminal E Lounge

So, I had read in previous reviews that there was hot food served at the lounge. Now, imagine my surprise when the only food they had was cold cuts and sandwiches, salads, and a cold pasta. I was very disappointed, as I expected this to be a nudge up the Admirals’ Club ladder. Needless to say, it was only half a rung higher.

Chips and Dressing

Chips and Dressing

Cold Cuts and Crudites

Cold Cuts and Crudites

Salad Bar

Salad Bar

Salad Bar

Salad Bar

The food did not look very fresh, but to a hungry college student, all food is good food. I took parts of the salads, and sandwiches and had a small feast. The silver lining was that they had pickles, something I have recently started to like thanks to a college friend. There was also a self serve alcohol bar, with middle line brands and some decent beers (they had Stella Artois, Blue Moon, among other domestic brands).

Self Serve Bar

Self Serve Bar

Self Serve Bar

Self Serve Bar

Shower Suites

Probably the greatest disappointment came in the form of the shower suites. I was about to fly for 14 hours, and I wanted to refresh myself to be able to sleep better (showers help me sleep, for some weird reason). So I requested a shower, was promptly showed to a suite, and when I turned on the water it came out cold. I waited. Kept waiting. Waited even more. AFter a solid 10 minutes of wasting water I had had enough. There was no hot water, and I proved this in the sink as well. Probably the most disappointing shower experience I have had at an American lounge. The only kudos are that the toiletries were CO Bigelow brand, which I personally like.

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Lounge Shower Suites

Landing Thoughts:

The American Airlines Premium Lounge Terminal E is only half a rung higher than an Admirals’ Club. The food was subpar, I would have preferred to buy a sandwich at an Admirals Club being completely honest. The staff, however, was kind and attentive.

If I had a chance, I would rather spend time at the Centurion Lounge MIA, or at the new refurbished Admirals Club by gate D15. I wouldn’t really spend more than the minimal time at the Terminal E lounge.

What do you think? Is the American Premium Lounge Terminal E worth it? Have you had a better experience?

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