Six Solutions For TSA

TSA lines

While standing in TSA lines lately, I’ve had some spare “mind time” to brainstorm some solutions. What are your thoughts and recommendations?

  • Hire Girl Scouts & Boy ScoutsWhy is it some people START packing when they get to the security line! Hire the Scouts to help people in line to “be prepared.”
  • Families-only line. It’s tough enough to get myself to the airport I can only imagine what it takes to get a family. And I cringe when I see them get in line and a heavy-sighing business traveler is behind them. Give them the same courtesy airlines do.

  • Newbie, experienced, and pro. Have people self-identify their travel expertise. If they’re a newbie, they can be with others who haven’t dealt with the shoes, laptops, forgotten bottles of water (guilty on that one!)
  • Vegas, baby! I don’t travel there often but I did find the security line was less tedious by watching entertaining videos. Might not work in each city, but why not try.
  • Charge for carry-on vs checked luggage. While I’m not a fan of waiting for my bag, I’d rather do that then get to the airport 3 hours in advance. I appreciate the airlines don’t want to give up all that revenue. However, when people bring a Mary Poppins like bag through security it slows everyone down.
  • Early arrivals. Recently I arrived early for my flight and there were two earlier flights leaving to my destination. However, I was traveling for a nonprofit who understandably bought a non-refundable ticket. Delta wouldn’t let me on an earlier flight. What if someone needed that seat and there were empty seats earlier. Yes, some will game the system, but I hope airlines will do their part to get people OUT of airports too.

What are your solutions for TSA?

  1. Very informative, conversational, engaging and beautifully written! Thank you Aunt Darling for these helpful tips and inspirations. I particularly loved the Mary Poppins illustration. A fantastic article energized with wit, adventure, humor, and key insights. Truly awesome!

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