Hooked on using Wi-Fi at 30,000 feet?
Then you’ll want to know about ZDnet.com report that says Gogo will soon start offering improved WI-Fi service. The new 2Ku package option will push Gogo’s speeds from approximately 3Mbps to 70Mbps, the story notes.
The writer questions whether this will make us more productive, since he says that “at 70Mbps I can also see watching Netflix in the air as well.”
For some of you, however, the bigger news is definitely this: The 2Ku service should make Wi-Fi available for overseas flights.
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Virgin Atlantic will be the first airline to offer the 2Ku service on overseas flights. We’ll see if Delta Air Lines follows suit. Expect 2Ku to become widely available in mid-2015.
Read the ZDnet.com article for more details.
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