Business class around-the-world with oneworld in 2005 – 5. Cathay Pacific Beijing to Kong Kong

The Flight Detective
the nose of an airplane

This is the last Cathay Pacific flight on this trip, from Beijing to Hong Kong. As you can tell, I am back to my normal self after a couple of interesting days in the Chinese capital city. You can tell by comparing the previous flight report to this one! Anyway, here is the experience as I wrote about it back in 2005 after the flight. Enjoy!

I checked in at the airport very early – around 5:30am for the 7:50am departure. To my great pleasure, my bag was checked through to London, so I wouldn’t have to haul it around after me all the time.

Of course, immigration in Beijing doesn’t open until 6am, so I waited around with other passengers until 6am when they opened. I was through by 6:01am, and a bit sweaty as the airport in Beijing seems to have shocking air conditioning.

The Airport Lounge

Next, I went to the Beijing Airports Corporation (or whatever it’s called) lounge, and got on the Internet. Happily, it was much faster than the Internet at my hotel, and I e-mailed away. I was also pleased because I was sitting next to a portable air conditioner!!

The food selection was quite good and I had a small pizza, which tasted like death, but this was Beijing after all.

CX317 – Beijing to Hong Kong (PEK-HKG)
7 April 2005
Airbus A330-300
Seat: Business Class 18A

As usual, I was first to board. My coat was taken and I had a bit of a giggle when a gaggle of American tourists boarded, complete with their own food! I had two orange juices before take-off and was rather upset that no alcohol was offered. The usual multi-language announcements, and the pilots let us know their intentions.

We were into the air on time (after a wait on the ground – we were ready to go about 15 minutes before official departure, but were held), and the service began. At this point, I was watching Meet The Fockers, which I had been dying to see and it didn’t disappoint. The meal did, however…

Loving And Hating Breakfast

Appetizer was Fresh Seasonal Fruit. The kiwifruit was nice, and others were pretty unidentifiable, but tasty. All good so far! Coffee, no problem. I was offered Fruit Yoghurt, Corn Flakes or All Bran Flakes, but declined. I had two croissants, and they were delicious – especially with strawberry jam. However, the “knife” type object I was given to cut them left a lot to be desired.

Main courses were Omelette with Tomato Sauce, with an English Breakfast Sausage, Potato Wedges and Broccoli. Second choice was Chinese Dim Sum, served with Chilli Sauce. Third choice was Fried Ramen Noodles with Pork Slice and Black Mushrooms, served with Chilli Sauce.

I took the Omelette, big mistake. I have never tasted anything so bad in my life. It had the consistency of cardboard, and tasted like shit.

The sausage was passable, however it had a big piece of fatty gristle in it which is so unwelcome in the morning. Broccoli was okay, potato wedges were somewhat dry. I ended up feeling ill most of the rest of the day. I only have that meal to blame, unfortunately.

That One Time I Bought Duty Free On A Flight

Saw the rest of the movie, and ordered Duty Free! They have the hottest models you’ve ever seen in your life in the Duty Free catalogue, and I was determined to buy the Mobius Necklace or the Armani Bag. I got the bag as it was only about US$150, as opposed to the necklace (which was GORGEOUS and I want it so bad!) which was US$380. Unfortunately, it’s all more in Australian dollars, but I wanted a treat and the bag will look great when I get it out of its box.

They bring around a little credit card reader for them to swipe and to give you your docket, all pretty nice! The lead purser deserves special mention. I was the only one who responded with more than a grunt to her good morning, asking her how she was and things like that. Later on we had an amusing conversation about the white blonde patches in my hair 🙂 She said she liked it, but hoped she didn’t get it herself naturally! Nice!

Overall Thoughts

We landed on time and got a good gate at Hong Kong so that immigration was really close by. It was just a shame the meal sucked so bad! Apart from that, the Business Class section was full – except for the seat next to me, and I do love that! The crew talk to me more when they’re not talking across someone.

This ends my experiences with Cathay Pacific on this trip. I am back with Qantas tomorrow for another date with the Skybed, and then it’s Icelandair 🙂 I’ll keep you all posted! I hope you’re enjoying these!

And that is how the flight from Beijing to Hong Kong was reported on back in 2005. Two things to note, I still have that Armani bag in pristine condition as I don’t use it often. The other note is that nowadays I generally get the “local” food – why I chose an omelette over the dim sum is beyond me. You live, you learn, I guess!

Next up is the flight from Hong Kong to London on a Qantas 747. What did you think of this report from fifteen years ago? Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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All my flight and lounge reviews are indexed here so check them out!

Featured image by Muroi 8210 via Wikimedia Commons.

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If I remember correctly, you have back tracked the journey via Hong Kong. May I know how this works with RTW fare. Cheers !

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