Why THIS is the Absolute Best Time to Travel (Or Get Anything Done)

Travel Gadget Reviews
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Is There a Best Time to Get Anything Done?

I’m not saying it in jest, but the best time to travel is NOW.

Of course, I know that most of us aren’t in a position where we can just up and go on a whim due to commitments and certain constraints. Then again, why not?  Why not plan for it now, at a minimum?

I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, so my personal philosophy is that you should always work hard for the things you want in life.  If you are passionate about something, you will work that much harder to pursue it. Travel was one of the those things for me.

Someone wistfully mentioned the other day that she wished she visited a particular destination. “What exactly”, I wondered, “is stopping her?”  Is it because of one of the common reasons:

  • Time?
    • Too busy at work:  Everyone needs to take a break some time.
    • No time to travel this year: What about planning for next year?
    • Plan to travel after retirement:  I’ve seen it enough times.  Why postpone that far out? What if some unexpected life events derail the best of your retirement plans?
  • Money?
    • Too expensive:  Expensive trip is not a requirement for travel.  You can travel on a budget.
    • Little or no savings:  Look for cheap deals.  Start putting away a small chunk of each of your paychecks towards savings.
  • Distance?
    • Too Far:  Break up the trip into multiple segments?
  • Commitments?
    • Responsibilities: We all have family, work, and other responsibilities.  What about giving yourself permission to take some self-care time to nourish your soul?

If you look at usual suspects closely enough, these are all valid reasons…and excuses.  If you don’t want something badly enough, these excuses will always hold true.

A Reflection on Time

This year is a year of reflection for me.  I lost a set of grandparents earlier this year.  There were other unexpected losses or news.  People who are here one day, and gone the next.  Someone was reflecting to me earlier about how much time flies in the blink of the eye.

I think time is a funny thing.  We all think we have so much time in the world, until we don’t.

Time is also an oxymoron.  It is plentiful and free, but it’s equally fleeting and a luxury.  It is neither kind or cruel, but it just is.  And, it always does what it does best, which is to move forward.

There is a great quote, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” that is attributed to Winston Churchill.

None of us ever plan to fail, but if we are also setting ourselves up to fail if we don’t plan.

I’d say that if there is something that really matters to you, take stock and start planning for it. You don’t want to wake up some 10 or 15 years later down the road, wondering, “What have I done with all that time?”

So, as far as I can see, now is really the best time.  It’s as good as any starting point to put into motion the things you want to make happen.  Take some risks and go for it.  “Let your dreams set sail.”


What are some travel (or other) goals that you have?

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