You might remember that MrsMJonTravel and I are departing for Italy in late October. The ultimate goal of our trip is to arrive in Venice by November 4th, so we can board Celebrity Cruises latest beauty, Celebrity Reflection. But we have a few days to play with. We’ll spend one day in Rome, and then board a train for Florence. And from there….. we will explore as much of Tuscany as we can in the time we have. I really do not want to drive in Italy, but it looks like we may need to rent a car to really maximize our experience. On the other hand….the only reason to go is to drink wine. You get my drift? I’m considering hoteling in Florence and looking into a professional driver/tour guide (not cheap, but safer for all of us).

Now… to be sure, we wouldn’t be having this conversation if this trip were planned for the summer. I’d have the planning done already because there wouldn’t be anywhere to stay during the summer this late in the game (probably). Crowding won’t be such an issue in November. For those of you more versed in Italy, what would you do? Bite the bullet and rent a car? Or try to hub in Florence and set up a tour of some sort just to play it safe? I’ve been to Rome, Milan, and Naples, but not the Tuscan region, and with all the move logistics, I just haven’t had time to go camp out at Barnes and Noble (believe me, that’s coming soon) and do a little reading. I’d love to hear your ideas on how to take on Tuscany in a short amount of time.