I struck a nerve a while back when I opined that I really hoped the current upgrade system in place with American AAdvantage remains in place following the combination of the AA and US frequency programs. OK, I struck a nerve recently as well. Most recently this issue has resurfaced thanks to a rumor (and I believe that’s probably all it is) about comp upgrades at Delta. There’s also the rumor that we’ll be seeing a new combined AAdvantage program soon. In my post on the Delta rumors, I called the idea of “complimentary” upgrades for all “folly” and I stand by that. I’ve never thought the forward cabin should be “given away” and I’m not just saying that to get a few clicks on a Friday night.
Yes, road warriors deserve something for all that time spent with an airline, but a “free” seat in the front cabin has never been my idea of what that should be. Let’s back out the meal changes AA made not too long ago and then backtracked a good bit. There’s a reason AA has historically offered a bit more in the domestic first class meal arena – it was funded, either through earned upgrades, paid stickers, or (gasp) people buying the product….yeah, that actually happens. The other airlines went the “comp” route for reasons I’ve never quite been able to determine, and in the process cheapened their product. AAdvantage came up with a reasonable compromise in my book, complimentary upgrades for top tier Executive Platinum elites, and earned upgrades for others. The end result was that Executive Platinums got a little something extra for the extra flying, and the rest of us got a system that worked well enough…..offering lower tier elites a real shot at clearing the upgrade because every single elite on earth wasn’t on the list.
No matter what choice American (or Delta) makes, I’ll still sleep well at night. There are a lot of opinions and emotions at play, and I completely respect those who don’t agree with me. But the mere fact that a lower level elite has had a real shot at an upgrade with a truly comprehensive network airline is reason enough for me to support the idea that the current AAdvantage elite upgrade system is the way to go.
-MJ, October 24, 2014
The upgrades in delta’s system are not “free”.
I agree that the sticker system makes more sense. I have had decent success as a lowly US silver and gold, but I remember having great upgrade percentages as an Alaska MVP and MVP gold before they implemented automatic upgrades. Now the lists are 36 passengers long with noboday clearing… And before, the earned upgrade coupons could be redeemed for lounge visits or token discounts of future flights (if I remember correctly) so even if you primarily flew routes without an F cabin or couldn’t use your upgrades, at least your coupons were good for something. Now Alaska’s F is so cheapened that an exit row or bulkhead isn’t much worse!
I think AA has a couple opportunities to differentiate with the combined program and I hope they don’t turn into every other airline.
I agree. Back in the day, if you had a surplus of “stickers,” you could convert them into AAdvantage miles, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore.
I used to find your blog interesting and unique. Lately it seems all you do is try and write posts to stir opinion or side with the airlines. Are you really a points and miles blogger anymore?
Get back to actual content that helps your readers instead of editorials that seem only meant to frustrate readers
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