A Final Thought for Now: Miles, Points, and Change

a room with yellow chairs and a large screen

Where in the world is MJ? Actually, I’m typing this from San Francisco, but have no idea where I’ll be by the time this post goes live. I’m not sure what to say other than this will be my last post on MJ on Travel as we know it. Sometime around October 1, 10 years of content will reposition to BoardingArea’s Travel Update.

As you’ve no doubt noticed, my posting activity has trailed off and I want to tell you why. Long story short, I have taken a new job. It’s not a small promotion and it will require my full attention. That’s nothing new as all jobs require our full attenion, but the truth is that it is the kind of job that will find me frequently interacting with airlines, and not just as a passenger. This has been coming for a while, and I won’t pretend that it hasn’t played a role in the steady drop in the number of posts in the last few months. In short, I can no longer avoid working with airlines in my “real life” and it just would not be appropriate for me to continue writing about the things I like to write about when it comes to air transportation. Ironically, I’ll also be traveling a bit more.

I looked at a lot of options for continuing to blog, and after some consultation with the great folks at BoardingArea, I really think that moving to Travel Update is the best thing to do. First, I can continue to post about the things I can write about. Second, it maintains 10 years worth of content. Third, I’ll still have my own identity within Travel Update. Finally, if the world demands a hotel and cruise blog or things change in my day job, I can re-emerge from Travel Update as a standalone operation again at some point in the future.

In the meantime, the MJ on Travel team will begin transitioning into the new job and preparing our Atlanta home for sale. The other piece of this is that we will be relocating back to Washington, DC. Between needing to take some time off to transition into the new job and move, this really feels like the best thing to do.

a sunset over the ocean
Sunset at Sea – © 2015 by Marshall Jackson

In closing, I really don’t know what to say. I can’t say enough good things about Randy Petersen and the folks at BoardingArea. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for tolerating me as long as they have and for working with me to find a way forward. Most of all, I thank you for reading! Stick around, there’s more to come at Travel Update.

-MJ, September 29, 2016

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Marshall Jackson

Thank you all very much for the nice thoughts. I’ll be back….. in a different spot. 🙂


Denise L

Congratulations! I will truly miss your blog as it is one of the best around.


Congratulations and good luck!


Best of luck on the new position. I will miss the cruise blogs, but hopefully I’ll catch them at the new place. Maybe I’ll run into you in a Diamond Lounge one of these days. 🙂

[…] MJ on Travel is making a change. We wish him well, and will certainly look for him on Travel Update. […]


Sounds great, Marshall! Congrats on the new job and good luck with the transition. Looking forward to seeing you in DC!

[…] posing as experts so they can pump their readers with credit cards…we learn of MJ on Travel leaving and going to Travel Update. Didn’t you know of Travel Update? It is another site by the Boarding Area folks where they […]


Please keep up the good work MJ.


Fair Winds…


Congratulations and Best of Luck to you !!! Love reading your blog, especially all the cruise posts.

Mommy Points

Very best wishes on the exciting new transition!

Randy Petersen

It has been and remains nothing but a pleasure to support MJ On Travel. Marshall will always be part of the family here, just as he’s always been part of the fraternity for flyers. We’re pretty darn proud to know him and know him well. Here’s to the success he will have in his new job.


One of the few remaining blogs out there that isn’t run by the credit card companies. You will certainly be missed.

Welcome to DC. Sorry that you’re stuck with such crappy airlines 😉


Good luck!

Cris Watson

Best wishes MJ!!!! Hope we get to cruise together cause you are going to need a vacation!!! I wish you nothing but the best and good luck….

Bryan Schmiedeler


I read many blogs on traveling and airlines and cruises (too many in fact), but yours was always my favorite. Good luck with the new job, and I hope to see you in Travel Update.



Hmmm, looks like you will need to travel to AUS for work or “connecting flights” in order for me to take you on a brief BBQ tour!


Congrats on the new role! I just hope you’re not moving to DC to lobby against foreign carriers and domestic competition 🙂


Congrats again on the promotion Marshall! Welcome to the DC Area, too!

Robert P

Good Luck!

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History: To USA in 1965 by BOAC Vickers Super VC10

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