I recently got asked why I started, of why I write about travel and why I started a travel blog, and I wanted to explain more on the topic. Of course, much of it will be standard fare and very familiar. But, I like to think I provide a different, analytical perspective to all of the mass of travel information currently available, as well as provide a separate perspective on the travel news. For the most part, it boils down to three components: I write for myself, I write for you, the readers, and I write for us, for knowledge sharing and development purposes.

I write for myself
Initially, I started this blog as a way of writing to the void – speaking from the heart, cataloging the places I’ve been for future reference and comparison, and putting down on paper (or WordPress) the thoughts I was saying out loud anyway. I wanted a place to write down my experience in travelling and churning, since the two go hand in hand and were a godsend during 2016 and now into 2017. They have opened my eyes towards a love of travel and exploration, which is found in many others as well. My wanderlust encouraged me to ask questions of travel news and experiences, and approach them from a critical and analytical perspective. But, I did not (and still do not) do this for fame or wealth, but because I think it is an interesting hobby that suits my passions well.
I write for others
For me, I choose topics and stories that I think are important to people, for their general knowledge, travel experience & tips, and interesting news items. I share about my experience so that others can learn from it and build upon my travels and mistakes. Perhaps readers want a fresh perspective on a news item, deal, or experience, or something funny to take their mind off their day. Or, I find something that I think others can benefit from or utilize in their travels, and so it is important for me to share.

I write for us
Knowledge sharing is a critical part of any successful blog and blogger’s work. The customer (reader) engagement is essential in discussing the best deal, or travel opportunity, or best travel experience. This is in addition to my engagement with other travel bloggers and writers. I want to learn from others, just as I hope others want to learn from me. Thus, the ability to connect with readers via a comments section, social media, or email, is very enjoyable for me. I can help answer their questions and provide my perspective.
How I got started
This section is brought to you by CJ Affiliate’s VIP Content Service. While this was a sponsored opportunity from GoDaddy, all content and opinions expressed here are my own.
My original plan regarding this travel blog was to start my own site through a registrar like GoDaddy, with sections on blog articles, credit cards, deals, about me, and more. This would be much like the standard travel blog website that you have seen countless times over. GoDaddy came first to mind due to the huge advertising campaign they ran years ago. Looking into it, I also found they were more than just a hoster – with additional tools to help build it out. However, BoardingArea placed an open call on for their blog over a year ago, and I was fortunate enough to be selected.
If you’d like to learn more, you can check out a suite of products for starting your own website or blog, perhaps similarly documenting your travel adventures! The Website Builder is one of particular interest, to help personalize and customize your site to your own specs and preferences. Design is a key aspect of attracting and retaining customers and market share. This, presentation is a critical ingredient to showcase your content. At a dollar a month or a year, there is a very low cost of entry, but I assume the price spikes up as time goes on and traffic increases.
I write for a variety of reasons, but suffice to say having explained myself more thoroughly in this post I will be better equipped to answer the question going forward. Readership is important, personal satisfaction is important, and the combination of both is equally important. Lastly, it’s a call to pursue your passions (if you can, of course, don’t immediately quit your job without a backup plan). You may not know where you end up or if you will succeed. But, whatever you decide, it is probably worth a try.

Featured Image is what I imagine my writing process looks like, although I use a PC. From Pixabay. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which, should you click through and/or make a purchase, grant me a commission. Also, I only post in the best interest of my readers. Lastly, thank you for supporting my blog and my travels.
What do you think of my writing? Have any questions? Let me know in the comments, or reach me directly at! Like my posts? See more here, on TravelUpdate! Follow me on Facebook (The Hotelion) or on Twitter and Instagram: @TheHotelion
Thanks for sharing. I always find it interesting to hear people’s back stories. There are so many motivations behind our actions. Like you, I like sharing my experiences to motivate people to travel and show them that it can be accomplished on any budget.
keep writing buddy! we’ll keep reading!
Thanks! Appreciate the support!