If you haven’t read “About Me” you may not know that I am a pilot. I still get to say that even though I no longer fly for a living. I’m sitting on a Delta jet right now on my way to Colorado, in coach, with some slightly more than light chop, and still, I’m happy. I sit on a train, and I am happy. I sit on a cruise ship, and I am happy. I look back on my life and there’s a common thread. From the age of four or so, I wanted to be a train engineer. Around six, I decided airline pilot would be my thing. At 23….I was an airline pilot. And then I decided if I could do it all over again, I would sail the seas. In short, my whole life has been about going places.

There is an unexplainable joy I get in travel. Is it magic? I don’t know, but it sure is fun. I have been very fortunate to experience things that my mother and late father could only dream about. Better yet, I have experienced those things at a fraction of the cost that I might have otherwise endured thanks to my prior employment with an airline, or most of all, thanks to my participation in a community of like-minded travelers who knew how to capitalize on a good deal when they saw it.

I hope we, as a community of travelers, can recapture the magic of the first airplane ride, the first cross-country flight, or better yet, the first flight up front for almost free :). It’s time to stop being angry and start recapturing the joy of travel. We really are all in this together.

-MJ, May 9, 2013