Traveling by air can be gruellng. Long security lines, flight delays and cranky fellow passengers. It can cause a sense of humor failure. But, fret not! Some airlines have found a way to put a smile on your face — and get your attention.
We’re all familiar with those long and boring safety announcements. Okay, have you ever tuned out while the flight attendant drones on and on about how to fasten a seatbelt or find an exit? Airlines like Southwest and Air New Zealand found creative ways to get your attention. We’re taking a trip back in time to share some of our favorite official, and not so official, safety videos.

The Blue Ribbon Goes to Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand is my personal favorite for funny and creative safety messages. They score a home run with each and every rendition. Speaking of sports, their latest gem pays homage to Kiwi rugby. The July 2019 video starts in the boardroom where the airline announces a name change to Air All Blacks.
“No rapping or complicated safety demonstrations, “says the airline’s lawyer, played by American actor Rick Hoffman. Look familiar? He played the nasty-tempered lawyer in the TV drama Suits. You know, the show that featured Meghan Markle. She’s now a member of the British Royal Family! While she’s not in the video, there are lots of fans, kids and current and former All Black rugby heroes.
Earlier this summer, the airline launched #ItsKiwiSafety. The cast of 600 features Kiwi actor Julian Dennison of Deadpool 2 fame. Joining him are local musicians and 30 community groups from across New Zealand. Filming took place in Auckland, Wellington, Balclutha, Dunedin, Hokitika and Naseby in Central Otago.

Still, I think my personal favorite dates back to 2014. If you weren’t lucky enough to catch American actor Betty White in the 2014 video, you can still view it here. Watch as the former Golden Girls star grabs her friends at Second Wind Retirement Home to explain everything from seat belt use to compressed air. If you want to know about survival, you’re going to want to talk to us,” she explains. Actor Gavin McLeod of The Love Boat even has a cameo role. Yes, I laughed and laughed at the “Safety, Old School Style.”
Funny Facebook and YouTube Videos
Of course, there are the silly videos that find their way onto Facebook and YouTube. Cue the “Oh, Canada” music. Canadians really get the humor thing! Remember, the world’ largest humor festival is in Montreal. I LOVE the Westjet flight attendant who turns the announcement into a Marcel Marceau-like performance. His hysterical facial expressions and histrionics have passengers in stitches. Take a peek.
Southwest Airlines, renowned for fabulous and innovative flight attendants, keeps the crowd laughing with punchlines about how to wear your seat belt. “In the event that you haven’t been in an automobile since 1942, a flight attendant has to show you how to use your seatbelt…That seatbelt needs to be low and tight across your hips, just like the hot pink Speedo I’s going to be wearing when we get to a hotel hot tub tonight in Manchester,” the flight attendant jokes in a video on a St. Patrick’s Day weekend flight from Chicago, Ill., to Manchester, NH.
Not to be undone, Frontier Airlines gets the giggles going with their salute to fashion on a Colorado Springs flight. “It’s an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka dot bikini,” jokes the flight attendant.” Of course, the life jacket is NOT itsty-bitsy and has no yellow polka dots. Check out the video.
What’s Your Favorite In-Flight Safety Video?
There are scores of funny inflight videos. Do you have a favorite? Do you prefer serious, cinematic or comical? We’d love to know.