Emirates Slashes Fuel Surcharges…So Where Are Those Sweet Spot Awards? – Miles to Memories
This is one of my own pieces at Miles to Memories, but I wanted to highlight it again. I’m blown away (in a good way) that Emirates made this change. It really changes the value proposition for many awards.
My Epic Journey to Antarctic – Landing on the Ice – Military Frequent Flyer
Antarctica is one of those last truly hard to reach places. I’d love to visit someday. I just don’t expect to, so I’ll have to live vicariously through the photos. Can’t wait to read more about this trip!
For Most Countries, Limiting Travel Is Useless For Stopping Virus Spread – View from the Wing
Remember February and early March? I know…it’s like 37 years ago. There were arguments along these same lines, that stopping travel will do more harm than good. We’d missed the boat on that being effective.
Now, between places where there is already a hefty presence of the virus, limiting travel is virtually useless. Sure, there is the personal risk of getting on a plane. But that is different than changing the landscape of its overall spread.
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