Diversity & Inclusion In Airlines: Non-Binary Gender Options Added

The Hotelion
a rainbow flag flying in the sky

Premisea laptop with headphones on it

Airlines for America – a trade association of American, Southwest, United, and others – announced that new gender options will be added for passengers when booking flights. For those who are non-binary, they will be able to select other options than the current male or female. As a push for diversity and inclusion not just in the workforce but for customers, these airlines aim to make flying more comfortable.



This will be effective June 1 – so only a few short months from today. For now it’s still either “male” or “female” but soon there will be other options for guests. Delta who is not part of this trade association also announced he same. This follows California’s 2019 policy offering a third, non-binary option on their ID, in accordance with the Gender Recognition Act signed in 2017.



a woman sitting in an airplane
Don’t care who you are so long as you don’t infringe on my space!

I applaud companies in their conservation and diversity initiatives, and this is no exception. It provides a more inclusive environment, as it (may) be annoying or uncomfortable to not have an identity or option to select. Now those who are non-binary may have the option to select, at little cost (to airlines). It’s an easy win.

Of course, I would highly recommend not reading the comments on the page. Of the first dozen or so, not one was supportive, and all were hateful and bigoted at worst to ignorant at best. I’m not exactly sure why, since it’s between individuals and the airline, and doesn’t involve others. A person registering as non-binary has no effect on me when booking or on the plane. So long as they don’t infringe on my armrest (unnecessarily) or airspace, there won’t be a problem, much like any other passenger. So avoid the cancerous comments on Yahoo!



As companies continue to progress (albeit slowly) we should highlight and applaud steps in the right direction. We should strive for an inclusive environment not just on the ground but in the skies as well. Don’t worry, people, male and female options will still be available. There will just be a third option (at least).



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  1. Everyone identifies in a different way, but many people are subjected to hate, stress and outright violence if they dont fit in to society’s “norms”. I grew up as a gay kid in a small midwestern town where the worst thing you could be was a fag. So into the closet until I finally had enough and came out at 24. Contemplated suicide once for a few minutes, then my best friend who knew, and was straight said “fuck ’em if you can’t be yourself”. Just what I needed at the time. Those that need to identify in their own way are causing no harm to anyone else and anyone who gets their panties in a twist over someone else’s situation can just…go away and shut the HELL up. The airlines are apparently 27 steps ahead of some of society…GOOD.

    My piece, and peace out.


    1. Agreed. The issue is not people who are different but about the agenda of forced worship. No longer is it about letting gays do their thing but now if you don’t praise or bow down to them you are evil. It’s really convoluted and it is now extending to the transgendered or non gendered persons. Literally children are being taught it in schools in Europe that gender is an artificial construct.

      With regard to ticketing for people who are obviously neither male or female in how they dress or look, whatever. It’s not much of a big deal for the airlines to have a 3rd gender.

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