Hello from the world’s largest cruise ship, Allure of the Seas! I am currently cruising from Barcelona to Fort Lauderdale, a 12-night cruise with one port of call, Malaga, Spain. We are at sea today after departing Barcelona last night, and will arrive Malaga tomorrow morning. After a full day in Malaga, we will set sail for Fort Lauderdale, spending 9 days crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Spending 9 days in the middle of the ocean sounds like a good time to me, but I realize not everyone feels the same way. Considering a trans-Atlantic cruise and wondering just what one does during all that time at sea? You have come to the right place!

Allure of the Seas, trans atlantic cruise

Central Park aboard Allure of the Seas – Image © 2015 Marshall Jackson

The Details

Diary of a Trans-Atlantic Cruise is meant to be more than a standard cruise review, it is a chronicle of a journey at sea, focused primarily on the 9 days between Malaga and Fort Lauderdale. I will ultimately prepare a standard cruise review of my experience aboard Allure of the Seas, but the diary will be something else – just exactly what does one do to fill the time during 9 days of this.

Allure of the Seas, trans atlantic cruise

Image © 2015 – Marshall Jackson

So far, it’s been a typical cruise. A little eating, a little drinking, that MAMMA MIA! matinee. But after tomorrow in Malaga, things change. We’ll be at sea for days on end. Join me for a journey across the Atlantic!!!

-MJ, October 26, 2015