‘Cheating Husband’ Qatar Flight Diverted After Wife Finds Evidence Aloft

Qatar Airways A330

What a quagmire! A so-called “cheating husband” caused a Qatar flight to make an unplanned stop on its way to Bali. A family of three boarded a Bali flight in Doha but did not get very far.

Cheating Discovery

According to a One India video (below), an irate Iranian woman was on the way to Indonesia when she reportedly discovered that her husband was cheating on her. In fact, this married lady was so undone and so vocal about it that the flight was diverted to Chennai on November 5.



But how was this indiscretion–now trending worldwide–discovered in the first place?

Apparently, while aloft, this wife took her husband’s finger while he was sleeping and unlocked his once secure phone. Sneaky.

The rest of her investigation was easy. However, the evidence she found on that cell made her so upset that she caused a scene. A big scene.

Tripping Out 

In fact, this soothsaying spouse became so outraged and in such a public way (she reportedly wouldn’t stop hitting her man) that the Qatar Airways pilot in charge made the decision to divert, landing the plane in Chennai.

Once on the ground, the powers that be swiftly offloaded the couple along with their child so the journey could continue.

And it did, sans the clan of three. The rowdy couple and their kid were allegedly “taken [to] a room maintained by immigration authorities at Chennai airport.”

Final Leg

So what happened after that? After all, this story may be upsetting but it is also extremely intriguing.

Well, miraculously, the “cheating husband” and his tribe were said to have been put on a Qatar flight that was headed to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Apparently, the trip across Asia was still on while the marriage may not be. What a trip, an understatement if ever there was one.

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