Business class around-the-world with oneworld in 2005 – 8. Finnair Helsinki to Dublin

The Flight Detective
a plane flying in the air

One thing to remember with a oneworld around-the-world ticket is that when a flight has no business class cabin, you go in economy class. This happened for this flight from Helsinki to Dublin. I was supposed to be living in Dublin for about 10 months and here I am 15 years later still living here. Anyway, enjoy this little flight review as it was published at the time in 2005.

As I am now oneworld Ruby, I was again able to check-in at the business class counters, despite flying economy for this sector. Even though I am flying on a DONE4 (around-the-world business class ticket), I was rather annoyed about the fact that even though you get the business class luggage allowance, they don’t allow you into the lounge. I tried.

AY885 – Helsinki to Dublin (HEL-DUB)
21 April 2005
McDonnell Douglas MD-82
Seat: Economy Class 3A

I would recommend avoiding any Finnair flight on an MD-82, solely because the aircraft has no inflight entertainment at all. No headsets, no screens, no nothing. Apart from that, it was my first flight in a Douglas/McDonnell Douglas produce and it was excellent. You don’t notice the sound of the engines at all up front. All you can hear is the wind whipping past your jet as you hurtle through the atmosphere at 800km/h or so. Awesome!

On Board Service In Economy Class

Anyway, Finnair economy class also has free alcohol, and you can ask for whatever you like. The Flight Attendants came by at least three or four times, and each time we got more booze.

Meal wise, it wasn’t as elaborate as the Business Class meal I had on the other leg, which was to be expected. Much smaller portion, but still a lovely meal. What it was, I couldn’t tell you, but it was hot.

No bread basket service, which I understand used to be part of Finnair economy, but we did get bread with the meal. Dessert was a yoghurt type thing that was delicious – my seat mate knew what it was called.

Landed, deplaned and so ended Finnair.

Overall Thoughts

I would have to say that I would fly them again in a heartbeat. The Flight Attendants wore these super blue uniforms, complete with black gloves. Then they put on light blue aprons for the service. They were all really nice and helpful, and were more than accommodating to all requests, as far as I could see.

The fact that you get free booze in economy makes me understand why they eliminated business class for certain sectors. The lack of entertainment on the McDonnell Douglas aircraft is no real big deal to me, but it would be for a lot of you, so be warned when booking. Well done Finnair!

And that is how I reported the flight from Helsinki to Dublin at the time. It seems a bit schizophrenic, doesn’t it? I complain about no entertainment, but then I purportedly don’t care by the end of the review. I write avoid the MD-82 and then in the next sentence breathlessly report on how you can’t hear the engines. Clearly this was a mixed bag!

Next on the around-the-world ticket is British Airways from London Heathrow to Moscow Domodedovo. Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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All my flight and lounge reviews are indexed here so check them out!

Featured image by Konstantin von Wedelstaedt on via Wikimedia Commons.

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