I Won’t Buy an iWatch Just For This…..


…but it is cool.

Screen Shot 2014-09-09 at 4.46.08 PM

I’m continuously amazed at the progress of technology. Now I just want a cruise line to come up with an iWatch app. Royal Caribbean, are you listening? Seems like you have an ideal opportunity with Quantum of the Seas.

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I am an apple fan and I thought your post was kind of amusing. 🙂


@Apple Fan – that was a dumb comment, I hate Apple but love my #FrequentFloater MJ and this was a funny post!

Left Handed Passenger

Are you saying “iWatch” instead of “Apple Watch” on the assumption that has more currency?

Apple Fan

This is a dumb post, last thing I would want to do on a cruise ship is use my iPhone or iWatch…

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