When aircraft are no longer wanted, they are usually scrapped with anything recoverable recycled. Some manage to be preserved in aviation museums around the world, and it seems others end up on the beach.

Lockheed L-1011 TriStars appear in the strangest places, such as the one you can go diving on in Aqaba, Jordan. For those not into diving, head to the beach in Cotonou in Benin for a real treat.

The TriStar On The Beach

This particular aircraft first took to the sky in 1978, being delivered to ANA that same year. After many years with the Japanese airline, it went to other second tier carriers, before finishing up with Air RUM until that airline ceased operating in 2008.

When looking at Google Maps, you can see that the airport in Cotonou, Benin abuts the the beach. That would have made it relatively simple to move into position, one would think.

As you can see in the video above, much of the interior remains intact. From the cockpit to the passenger cabin, almost everything is still there, which is quite remarkable.

How Do I Get There?

Cotonou Cadjehoun Airport is accessible via Air France from Paris, Ethiopian Airlines from Addis-Ababa, Royal Air Maroc from Casablanca, Turkish Airlines from Istanbul and from a bunch of other places on other smaller airlines.

Benin is not necessarily a place you would think of for a holiday, but this might add it to some people’s list of places to see. Hey, everyone loves the Lockheed TriStar!

Overall Thoughts

It’s always interesting when aircraft appear in places that you least expect them. I am sure if I was casually visiting Cotonou and spotted this plane on the beach that I’d be stopping for a bit of a nose around.

Whether it’s a formal museum like Brooklands in the UK with its Concorde and VC10, or the Qantas Founders Outback Museum with their Boeing 707 and Boeing 747, to a plane on a beach, it’s all fun to me. Clambering around aircraft is just kinda cool.

Did you know about the final resting place of this L-1011 TriStar? Have you visited it? Are there any other times you’ve come across planes in strange places? Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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Images via TWA302 on Airliners.net.