Have you made any travel plans for 2021?

The Flight Detective
a plane flying in the sky

With the whirlwind year that was 2020 now behind us, it’s time to look towards the year ahead. I am curious if people are making travel plans for 2021.

A vaccine for Coronavirus is being rolled out, but I think anyone celebrating that is very premature. It will be months before that makes a difference to travel.

My Travel Plans For 2021

At this stage, I have flights booked to head back to Dublin during January. Once home again, I have nothing in the hopper for the rest of the year.

After so many flight cancellations and changes in 2020, I need a break. There is little point booking something and then not going, due to Government restrictions and so on.

That being said, I do plan to head over to Denver to see friends, once we are permitted to do so. Otherwise I’ll be staying in Europe.

All going well, I’d like to see friends in Scotland, England, Netherlands and France. Right now is not the time to book though, as everything is up in the air with the pandemic.

Overall Thoughts

My gut feeling is that it will be Q3 at the earliest before we will see things start to return to normal, which is at least six months away. We have already seen that as soon as restrictions are lifted, the virus spreads quickly, so it will likely be a bunch of rolling lockdowns for a while yet.

Even so, having a few ideas in the hopper is necessary. It means that as soon as options become available, I’ll be able to pounce and start booking again. I’m looking forward to that!

Have you made any travel plans for 2021? Where are you going? Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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Featured image by Aero Icarus via Wikimedia Commons.

    1. Sounds wonderful! I think things should be relatively normal by that stage. Here’s hoping! Good luck and thanks for the comment!

    1. Awesome! I’ve been on one cruise and crossed the Atlantic on the QE2 before – it’s good fun! Sounds like you’ll have a ball!

  1. I plan on going “somewhere” in May for my birthday. All pre-planning at this point, haven’t decided on a destination yet. Probably some new US destination, but if the Caribbean opens up I might head down to some beach someplace. Plenty of time to decide.

    1. Absolutely, still loads of time to make a decision, Staying in the US or going to the Caribbean both sound good to me!

  2. Used UA miles to book Polaris to FRA in late Nov 21; plan on Germany and Switzerland as my destinations. Here’s hoping….

  3. I had to put off a trip to Israel and a stopover in Paris (from the USA) that was planned in March 2020 for late December 2020 but has been pushed to August 2021 so hopefully, it will pan out. I wouldn’t normally sweat having to reschedule it but we are taking another coupe with us and the husband is an air traffic controller who has to put in for all vacation more than a year ahead so it’s hard to reschedule it. I also have a son in the US Army that just got stationed in Hawaii so we have that on the radar this year as well.

    1. I’ve only had the pleasure of going to Hawaii once, but I really enjoyed seeing Pearl Harbor and thing like that. Lovely place! Hopefully you make the trip to Israel. It’s somewhere I’ve long wanted to visit as well – the closest I got was across the Dead Sea in Jordan, also a great place. Hopefully you make it where you want to go!

    1. Sounds cool – I have yet to make it to Egypt, though I have friends who go regularly as they love it so much. I hope you get there!

  4. I have a bucket list trip for 2021, taking my grandson on a RTW flight to ride every high speed train we can find in Japan, China, Taiwan and Europe. At this point I think there is only a slight chance we are able to pull this off, but will hold off cancelling for a while longer. On the bright side, all the flights (ANA RTW in J all the way) and hotels (IHG, Marriot and Hilton) except for 4 nights are paid for with points. I am thankful I was able to pull that off, but not looking forward to rebooking in 2022!

    1. Now that is pretty awesome! I’ve been on the Shinkansen in Japan and absolutely loved it I think you’ll have a ball when you do get to pull it off, it’s a great idea. Even better that you can use points for so much of it as well. Now you’ve given me some ideas for a future trip. Nice one!

  5. I’ve a booked several nights at Virginia Beach around the 4th of July. I plan for that that to be part of a driving road trip. Hope to be planning more, but it’s a start.

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