It’s Snowing in DC
It’s been a while since we’ve had this much snow. I was still working for AA during the big President’s Day storm in 2003. The airport was closed for at least 2 days, but the customers still showed up. Advice to the uninitiated: when there’s a blizzard warning posted for your area, check with your airline before you risk your life getting to the airport for a flight that is likely canceled. All the airlines have posted storm policies for airports affected by our first big winter storm and will waive change and cancellation fees.
What an Awful Week for a Snow Storm
I remember the week and weekend before Christmas as far busier than the day or two immediately prior to the big day. A LOT of people are being negatively impacted by this mess. The only silver lining I see is that apparently airlines have dropped their advance purchase restrictions for Christmas travel. Translation: there are empty seats out there waiting to be sold. So there’s some hope for everyone to eventually get home by Christmas.
Why Are There Empty Seats at Christmas?
Answer (my opinion only): airlines jacked fares way up hoping to sell seats at the highest possible price, adding surcharges for days surrounding holiday travel. I think pricing may have been too aggressive as most leisure travelers are looking for the best possible deal, or they’ll just drive. One route doesn’t mark a trend, but I have to tell you, there was no way in h*ll I was paying over $600 $700 dollars for the two of us to fly from DC to Raleigh. And that was the asking price last time I looked.