Cute design touches in airline lounges are something I really like. They make a place interesting to the eye, rather than just being a separate room for premium passengers. Even things like the plates can be eye catching.
Don’t believe me? Check out the plate with the asparagus in the Cathay Pacific First Class lounge at Heathrow, or the way they serve Dim Sum. Appealing, isn’t it?
Plates Shaped Like Aircraft Tails
Passing through a lounge recently, I realised some of the serving plates are shaped like the tail of an aeroplane. It’s certainly not obvious, but sometimes being subtle to cue the subliminal is intriguing too.
You can see it pretty well in the image above – the serving plates are in the general shape of a plane tail. I didn’t immediately notice it until I visited this lounge a second time and it clicked for me.
What Other Food Is On Offer?
Early in the afternoon is when I passed through this lounge and the food offering pleased me. Why? There is a whole bunch of sushi rolls on offer which I quite like.
For some reason you don’t see it too often in airline lounges, which is strange considering how popular it is. Small bites of fish and prawns were also available as well as the cheese and meats.
A variety of leafy salad is available, once again on the tail style plates. Hot options are also available in various guises but I couldn’t tell you what was what as I didn’t take pictures of the food signs.
Either way, the lunch time offering was pretty decent and easily on par with other lounges of the same calibre elsewhere in the world. In some respects, even better.
There Are Drinks Too
Serving Champagne in a premium airline lounge is a given, you would think. That is far from the case as some lounges serve no Champagne and others use some other variation on bubbly wine that’s just not the same.
These lounges serve Lamotte Champagne which is a proper drop of bubbles. This is in addition to all the usual things such as red wine, white wine and what not.
Overall Thoughts
Have you guessed the lounge yet? The reason for this guessing game is that on this visit all I did was take the photos above of the food, rather than the food, decor and all the rest as I usually do.
Don’t worry though, I have a full review of this lounge coming in the next week or so. For now though, can you guess which lounge it is and where? Leave me a guess in the comments below and we’ll see who guesses it first. Thanks for reading and if you have any other comments or questions, do leave them below.
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All my flight and lounge reviews are indexed here so check them out!
I don’t have a guess on the lounge, but the shape of the plates is a happy coincidence. I’ve been in the hospitality business for a lot of years, and I’ve seen those plates before. They do look cool in that context, though.
Oh, that’s ruined my dream, but perhaps they were specifically chosen for that reason. Or I’m just looking for things that don’t exist! haha! Thanks for letting me know 🙂