New Rewards in ATL: Uber VIP

a close-up of a car

Uber VIP has arrived in Atlanta. What is Uber VIP? A rewards program for Uber’s most frequent riders. How do you become an Uber VIP in Atlanta? Complete 10 rides per month. When you hit 10 rides, the VIP option will appear in the Uber app.

According to Uber, “No matter how or where you Uber, we want to reward you for it. Complete ten rides per month and unlock an upgraded Uber experience that grants you access exclusive offers from our partners and the highest-quality rides.” And there’s more – “Sneak peak: Exclusive partners for February include: HUXPeachDishMurphy’s, and more!”

uber vip, ubervip

What Do You Get?

According to Uber,

  • An Exclusive Experience – Advance access to Uber promotions and exclusive giveaways for VIP riders only.
  • Premium Service – The highest rated driver-partners and top cars available in Atlanta.
  • VIP Content – A VIP newsletter with exclusive discounts and events.

VIP does not cost extra, but you have to take 10 Uber rides per month to maintain the status as Uber VIP is a monthly program. According to Uber, “to keep VIP active within your app, you must complete 10 rides per month. VIP will automatically be added to your account at the end of every month.”

I am only 5 rides away from hitting 10 this month, so I may earn a month of VIP status. Will report the results here.

-MJ, January 21, 2016


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Agree with Dan. I wouldn’t get too excited, have it in NYC and mixed results at best. It’s actually detrimental to me because there’s not many 4.8+ drivers, most are 4.5-4.7 so I’ve noticed my wait times have gone up significantly because I have to wait for a driver with a high enough rating around my vicinity.


I have Uber VIP in NYC. It is underwhelming to say the least. Yes you get to avoid the low-rated drivers, but I have had plenty of 4.8+ rated drivers who left me appalled at their driving skill or lack thereof. In NYC, you have to complete 100 rides a year to earn the VIP status, though maybe that changed since the Atlanta bar is higher (120 vs. 100).

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