More from Tulsa

You may have figured out by now that I just completed two separate week-long stays in Tulsa, Oklahoma as part of a project I’m managing at work. Or is that project managing me? Oh well…..

In any event, I lived in Tulsa for a few years towards the end of the last century, so it was kind of fun to return, see some old friends, and check the place out. Long story short, Tulsa has changed. And changed for the better. Not so much that I’m clamoring to escape the confines of D.C. for a simpler life in Oklahoma, but it’s not bad, nonetheless.

Quite a bit of time, effort and money is being invested in the downtown area. Old warehouses are being converted into loft apartments and condos, bars and restaurants are opening, and the live music scene (good even when I was there for a town this size) is still better than average. The new BOK Center opens later this summer.

Next time you’re in Tulsa, try and check out James E. McNellies Public House (409 East 1st St.). You won’t find more beer on tap anywhere nearby, trust me. Try the locally brewed McNellie’s Pub Ale. I went on Wednesday, which happened to be $3 dollar burger night. I think everyone in Tulsa must’ve been there, because the place was packed!

There are other good options as well. Lola’s at The Bowery being one. Great tapas and good bar service. And Caz’s Pub, another good bar, which happens to also have a restaurant, Caz’s Chowhouse, nearby.

There are more, but my time was limited. If I make it back to Tulsa, soon, you’ll find me at McNellies!

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