It’s Good to Be Back – And Two Free GoGo Passes

Gosh, three weeks of sitting in the office and my eyelids were starting to twitch. I’m writing this now from seat 4B on my way to DC. Upgrade cleared, staying in a really cool hotel tonight that I promise to review, and it’s good to be back in the air. As you know, I love GoGo inflight wi-fi, and I know you do too. In celebration of my return to traveling after a whopping three weeks off, I’m giving away two free GoGo passes!

All you have to do for the opportunity to win is comment to this post with a reason why you love to travel. I will choose one winner randomly via, and the winner will receive two GoGo inflight wi-fi passes. Thanks to GoGo for these passes! The contest closes at 6am EDT in the USA on June 7, 2013. So…. good luck to you! Now comment, and tell your friends about the opportunity to win!!!


  1. because I need to reduce my work stress and as bad a air travel has become it is still far better than staying home and working

  2. I’m ashamed to say that until I traveled, I didn’t understand that not everyone wants to immigrate to the USA. Yes, I know. Furthermore, until I traveled and took roots somewhere else, I didn’t realize that living outside the US could be amazing! So I travel because it’s inspiring to meet people of all walks of life.

  3. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut so that I could explore the universe. That never materialized, so exploring the Earth is the next best thing.

  4. I most enjoy perusing the internet at 30,000 feet. New places are just a reason to plan a trip.

  5. I love travel to get to see other places and learn new things. Sometimes business travel is not pleasurable, but the cation travel usually is.

  6. As new parents our budget is tight. It is fun to still be able to travel with our friends and show our little guy the world-doing it on the cheap with points makes it even better!

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