What 7,000 items are on board a typical Boeing 747 flight?

The Flight Detective
an airplane taking off at sunset

The Boeing 747 is the undisputed Queen of the Skies and it takes a lot of items to service a typical flight. One of the largest operators of the jumbo jet is British Airways and they have created an interesting graphic showing all the items on board a typical flight between London Heathrow and New York JFK.

We take flying for granted in many ways and often don’t stop to consider just how many things are needed to keep everyone on board happy. Let’s just say there’s quite a lot to it!

How About Those 7,000 Items?

Enjoy a drink on board? Luckily they load 798 glasses, 101 full bottles of wine and 388 quarter bottles of wine on each flight. Considering only premium classes get to have their wine in glasses, that is quite a few per person. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

You don’t go hungry either, with 493 meal trays on board which is enough for two meals per person. On the London to New York service, this is the main meal and another before landing.

Have you ever thought about the cargo hold? It’s not just your bags. Priority freight such as fashion products, smart phones and tablets are commonly shipped by air. You could also find live animals, high value artwork or perishable produce too.

What about those travelling with you? As you can see, 28% fly on business and 47% are travelling alone. That would be me, as I usually travel on my own. With that many, the old chestnut that you’re more likely to be upgraded if you’re on your own is somewhat diluted!

Overall Thoughts

The British Airways Press Release goes into a little more detail on all the items of course. It is an interesting way to present the fact they are spending up big on the customer over the next five years.

Regardless, it is fun to see some statistical information on a typical flight. What do you think? Any surprises? Thanks for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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Featured image by Jordi Cucurull via Wikimedia Commons.
Infographic by British Airways.

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