How To (Kinda) Get A Plane Named After You!

cartoon of a plane

Ok, I admit, I baited you a bit there.

Actually, this post includes how to get a PAPER plane design named after you! Which is still pretty darn cool in my book.

John Collins, the Guinness World Record Holder for paper airplane distance, is kind of like a minor-league Bill Nye, The Science Guy, of sort. And I truly mean that in a respectful way, as he continues to travel the country and world teaching young and old about paper airplanes and, thus, the science behind flight. Cool!

paper airplane world record
The top four Kickstarter backers will get a paper airplane named after them or a family member. Make a permanent mark on the paper airplane world.

Collins recently launched a Kickstarter to fund the development of a website dedicated to The National Paper Airplane Contest.

I’m creating The National Paper Airplane Contest. I need help funding the website. It’s a media rich, interactive website to facilitate a league and contest. It will also serve as the social hub for paper airplane making and flying.

While I make no official endorsement of Collins or said project, I found this perk interesting — the top pledge amount of $1,000 (limit 4) gets you the ultimate perk in return:

The top 4 backers will get a paper airplane named after them or a family member. Make a permanent mark on the paper airplane world. Random House has agreed to change the names of selected planes on the next reprint of The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book. That may take as long as 9 months depending on demand. In the meantime, your electronically downloaded copy will be available 30 days after this project ends. Good luck and good backing!

If you ask me, I think the Frequent Flyer Miles Guru himself, Randy Peterson, deserves his name in such aviation history!

The Paper Airplane Guy YouTube Channel
Kickstarter for The National Paper Airplane Contest


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