Fellow blogger Points, Miles & Martinis recently shared a music video “Drunk On A Plane” by Dierks Bentley which gave me a good laugh.
Did you notice the full-sized bottle of Jose Cuervo Especial? That reminded me of a friend’s question of how he could carry on a bottle wine or Champagne for his trip to Aspen with his girlfriend (now fiancé, as I later learned that the engagement in Aspen was the need for the celebratory libations!).
GUIDE: Are Fireworks Allowed In Checked Baggage?
GUIDE: 11 Traveling Tips For Seniors
GUIDE: Traveling with Cremated Remains – TSA and Airline Rules
GUIDE: Are You Allowed To Smoke E-Cigarettes On A Plane?
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to give you a very comprehensive answer…so here it goes!

I text my buddy back the simple answer:
Same 3-1-1 rules apply.
So, just like your shampoo and body wash, you may carry-on travel-size alcohol liquid containers (3.4oz/100ml bottle or less, by volume; 3.4-1-1 just didn’t have the same ring to it) that fit comfortably in one, quart-sized, clear plastic, zip-top bag per passenger through security checkpoints in U.S. airports (with certain exceptions like medications, baby formula, breast milk, etc.).
Mini liquor bottles are typically 1.7 ounces. Liquids, including alcohol, purchased after clearing the security checkpoint are permitted aboard aircraft. Any amount of liquid including alcohol greater than 3.4oz must be packed in your checked baggage (exceptions below).
While bringing mini alcohol bottles on a plane might be possible, there are several more elements to this issue, starting with the actual drinking of the alcohol (duh).
Ok, so I CAN carry-on my mini-alcohol bottles and save a few bucks by self-serving my own spiked drink, right?
Wrong. While it may be possible, it is not allowed. Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 121.575 (Operating Requirements) and Part 135.121 (Flight Operations) state (my emphasis):
§ 121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
(a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage to him.
(b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard any of its aircraft who— (1) Appears to be intoxicated;…
(c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated….
§ 135.121 Alcoholic beverages.
(a) No person may drink any alcoholic beverage aboard an aircraft unless the certificate holder operating the aircraft has served that beverage.
(b) No certificate holder may serve any alcoholic beverage to any person aboard its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.
(c) No certificate holder may allow any person to board any of its aircraft if that person appears to be intoxicated.
Just like bringing your own alcohol into a bar, the licensed establishment needs to keep tabs on service to customers. Airlines should, as recommended by the FAA, have guidelines in place for dealing with such situations and training on such.
Then will the flight attendant SERVE ME my own carry-on booze!?
Maybe. Sure, some flight attendants might turn a blind eye to you topping off your free soda yourself, while others may hold firm to the letter of the law. Nevertheless, you should familiarize yourself with your carrier’s policy before the flight. For example, here is what JetBlue has to say (my emphasis):
You may bring wine, champagne or beer on a flight for consumption during the flight if it is in an unopened container. If you’d like to drink the alcohol you carry on, you may give it to one of our Inflight crewmembers, and they will be happy to serve it to you. — JetBlue
Whereas, United makes it pretty clear: “Alcohol transported on an airplane cannot be consumed on board.”
Are there certain forms of alcohol that I cannot pack in my carry-on OR checked baggage?
Yes. We must remember that alcohol can be flammable depending on its alcohol content (proof). Alcoholic beverages with more than 70% alcohol content (>140 proof), including 95% grain alcohol and 150 proof rum, cannot be packed in any baggage (carry-on or checked). If your alcohol is between 48 and 140 proof, you’re limited to check 5 liters under federal regulations (49 CFR 175 Carriage by Aircraft of Hazardous Materials) (my emphasis):
§ 175.10 Exceptions for passengers, crewmembers, and air operators.
(a)(4)(ii) Alcoholic beverages containing: More than 24% and not more than 70% alcohol by volume when in unopened retail packagings not exceeding 5 liters (1.3 gallons) carried in carry-on or checked baggage, with a total net quantity per person of 5 liters (1.3) gallons for such beverages.
Note: The TSA Blog seems to overlook the Federal Regulation of requiring “unopened retail packagings” as stated here: “packaged in a sealable bottle or flask.” Thus, you may be risking confiscation if using your own sealed container or the like, even though the official TSA Blog gives it a seal (pun intended) of approval.
Alcoholic beverages with less than 24% alcohol content are not subject to hazardous materials regulations. Remember, each airline may establish more restrictive regulations on how alcohol may be transported by its customer.
With all that being said, could I really get in trouble for spiking my own drink?
Yes. There are several possibilities of penalties ranging from a scolding by the flight crew to criminal charges (in the most extreme cases, such as transportation of a hazardous material or a violation of 49 U.S.C. 46504, “Interference with flight crew members and attendants”). Furthermore, you risk blacklisting yourself for future flight privileges by violating an airline’s rules and/or your “Contract of Carriage”. Is possibly being met by law enforcement officers at the gate while disembarking worth saving $7 on a drink?

Last question, what about those full-size liquor bottle I can buy at duty-free stores in international airports?
You’re in luck! As of January 31, 2014, duty-free alcohol purchased at international airports can now be transported in carry-on baggage through to your final U.S. destination, even if you exit Customs and reenter a TSA checkpoint before your connecting flight, as long as the bottle was purchased at a non-U.S. duty-free store and remains inside a clear, sealed “Secure Tamper Evident Bag” (STEB) (see inset).
This does NOT mean you may board the plane, open the bag, and begin your best impression of LMFAO’s “Shots” featuring Lil Jon!
Still confused? See p.3 of this recent (Dec. 6, 2013) FAA guide for a good summary.
Got some stories of your own, points to add or update to this post, or disagree with the above? Comment below!
Looking for a tale of alcohol and flying seemingly right out of modern reality TV? Here is an interesting FAA appeal decision regarding a 1996 TWA flight from Paris to Boston, an intoxicated Saudi Arabian princess, and more.
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Rich2741 has a lot of info which is incorrect. How are you over at 1.7 ounces? The rule is 3.4 oz or 100mL. No, the rule doesn’t factor in rounding. I literally is 3.4 oz or 100mL. It literally used to be 3oz or 100mL (which, smart folks knew was 3.4 oz). However, at that time (but not anymore), you would get anything labeled confiscated that was labeled 3.1-3.4 oz, but not 100mL. Yes, it was dumb, but that was the rule.
Just as the rule is now 3.4 or 100mL, despite rounding. And no one cares are what proof things blow up. The rules state under 140 proof. The end.
Mark, great job, and since you are being so thoroughly expansive (which I luv), let’s also make it hyper-accurate in this addendum.
A Miniature (aka: ‘Mini’, ‘Airport Mini’, or ‘Nip’) does not equal 1.7 fluid ounces; they are 50 ml which equals 1.690701127945974 fluid ounces. (rounded: 1.69 fl. oz.). At 1.7 fl. oz. you would be OVER the limit.
Just for your edification, each of those ‘mini’ bottles, at 80 Proof, is equal to 1.127134090061433 standardized drink units. (rounded: 1 and 1/8th drinks) If you drink 8 ‘mini’ bottles on an extended flight, you’ve imbibed 9 drinks.
100 milliliters (aka: 10 deciliters) does not equal 3.4 fluid ounces; it equals 3.3814022558919480 fluid ounces. (rounded: 3.38 fl. oz.). At 3.4 fl. oz. you would be OVER the limit.
5 Liters does not equal 1.3 US Gallons; it equals 1.320860256207792 US Gallons. (rounded: 1.32 US Gal.). At 1.3 US Gallons you would be UNDER the limit.
As far as ‘inflammable” (which simply is a contraction of “intensely flammable”) goes, the alcoholic content needs to be a minimum of 114.2 Proof (57.1 ABV) which makes the purity of alcoholic content just high enough so that if it is poured onto burning gunpowder, both the alcohol and the gunpowder will burn, and the alcohol will not quench the burning of the gunpowder. This is how the classification “Proof” came to be, and it was this act of ignition in selling alcohol to sailors for their journey that the “Proof” was SEEN as to its minimum passable concentration. This was not enacted to make the ‘drink’ requirement ‘strong’, but rather to conserve space/weight aboard ship, and of course the value of what you are paying for. Unfortunately, the ABV back then was only that, and many a sailor would become useless the following day if they drank too much, as back then they did not know of ‘quality’ distillation and very commonly there would be a great deal of methanol within the content versus what is sought should be pure ethanol. It is the former that gives you a horrible hangover (ultra-cheap alcohol), and also is a contributor in many deaths from bad ‘moonshine’.
Any alcohol under 50 Proof (75% ABV) is considered “inflammable” and should be treated with great caution.
The FAA has extended the parameters downward by 4% (24% ABV vs 25% ABV)) and 6.6666666% (140% ABV vs 150% ABV), just as a engineer will usually ‘over’ engineer a thing by 10%. All for safety sake, but it must be noted that (*usually) it is the vapors that actually ignite, and not the fluid. For the vapor to ignite it must reach a stoichiometric concentration, as with all ignitable vapors.
* Although it can be “combusted” through intense compression.
36.0 Proof (18% ABV) is the strongest a conventional fermented elixir can be made (beer or wine).
191.2 Proof (95.6% ABV) is the strongest a conventional distilled elixir can be made (spirits).
To go beyond 191.2 Proof (upto 200 Proof) requires a different process, and generally takes place in a laboratory or industrial chemical factory.
Another outstanding post. Lots of info i either did not know or forgot about. Absolutely love your niche.
One more thing, you should have called out the cameo of the full-sized bottle of Jose Cuervo Especial even more so: Friends don’t let friends drink cheap tequila.