Fly Delta App 3.1 for iOS is Here


Delta released version 3.1 of its iPhone app to iTunes last night, and there are some handy changes. As Delta Points notes, there’s a new version of the Android version out too. The good news is that award booking is now available using the app. Yay!

fly delta app, iphone, iOS, 3.1

In addition to award booking, one of the handier options is the ability to toggle between cabins to compare prices. If you’re booking a flight last minute and on the move this can be very handy. Nowadays, it’s not unusual to find the price difference between first class and coach to be negligible depending on the market. Previously, if you wanted to compare prices between cabins, you essentially had to start your price search over at the beginning. The new “watch flights” option is handy if you’re meeting a family member or colleague on another flight and need to keep up with their progress. All in all, a handful of decent improvements. The one thing I’m still waiting for? Elimination of the error message received when you are trying to search for flights and happen to have an airport code you are going to search for in either the origin or destination window. For example, let’s say I just searched for flights from ATL to DCA, and now I want to look for DCA to ATL. Just put the new code in origin and then in destination, right? Not so fast.

fly delta app, iphone, iOS, version 3.1

You have to drop an airport code in that you aren’t even interested in so there’s no match, then change your origin or destination. Dear Delta, please fix.

-MJ, January 31, 2015

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