Eastern Air Lines was once one of the largest airlines in the United States, with its origins dating back to the 1920s. The airline went bankrupt in early 1991 after a number of turbulent years of high debt and labour unrest.

It’s always a huge loss to the staff and travelling public when an iconic carrier goes bust. On the face of it, the story of Eastern’s demise seems pretty straightforward, but the seeds of decline were sowed long before the final years.

Eastern Air Lines Bankrupt Video

Bright Sun Films on YouTube create videos on bankrupt organisations or abandoned facilities. They have recently released a video on what happened to Eastern Air Lines.

This 20 minute presentation provides a decent history of the airline, touching accurately on all the salient points. When you consider today’s airlines with their nationwide coverage, seeing the route map with everything on one side of the country is interesting!

The introduction of the Airbus A300 was a great thing for the European manufacturer, but the debt added by that purchase right around US airline deregulation was arguably the beginning of the end. Of course, during the 1980s Frank Lorenzo entered the picture and it went downhill from there.

After strikes and various elements of mismanagement, the airline finally shut down. It was a sad end for what was once a beloved airline.

Overall Thoughts

I still think the blue on white Eastern livery is one of the most beautiful to ever grace an aircraft. The simplicity and clean lines are just really appealing to me.

While I never got to fly with the airline, I certainly know about them, as they left a legacy to the industry as a whole. Their support of the Lockheed L-1011 during the Rolls-Royce engine issues could well have saved that entire programme for example.

Did you ever fly with Eastern? What were they like? I’d love to hear your experiences. Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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Featured image by Clinton Groves on AirlineFan.com via Wikimedia Commons.