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2074 posts
Have You Heard of the Hotel of Doom?
There are some interesting hotels around the world, but the Hotel of Doom is one with an interesting story. It eerily towers over its city.
How Social Media has ruined the way you travel
What determines where you want to travel? Do you feel the pressure to post pictures on social media? Do you think bloggers should write more about how they feel as opposed to just writing about how to get to a particular place?
Places I Want to Return To
The whole point of collecting points and miles is to travel to places old and new. Here are some of the places I want to return to.
Learning to Travel at Kid Pace
Traveling with kids is very different than traveling solo or as a couple. Here are some of the adjustments I've had to make over the past couple years.
Did This Airline Phone Rep Just Lie to Me?
After successfully booking an award flight to Hawaii, taking advantage of the Hawaii sweet spot, a 2nd request called my agent's truthfulness into question.
5 Places I Have No Desire To Visit
There are a lot of destinations around the globe that I would love to visit. But here are five that simply have no appeal for me.
[Video] Flight attendant captures the most orderly deplaning of a flight
Chances are that your last deplaning experience included scores of passengers jump-up and jam the isle, as soon…
The Best Hotel Credit Card for General Spend
Hotel credit cards often get sock-drawered in favor of other, better options for everyday spending. But here is the best hotel credit card for daily use.
NEWS: JetBlue & Lyft to Dissolve Partnership
News JetBlue announced the termination of their partnership with Lyft as of September 9. Previously, you could take…
The Hammer Falls: DOT Issues Guidance on Emotional Support Animals
The U.S. DOT has finally issued guidance to airlines on what is and isn't acceptable for regulating emotional support animals. Here's what you need to know.