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2044 posts
Planning Travel To Florida, Even With Rising COVID-19 Case Numbers
Summer is here, and I've not been able to pin down any plans on the calendar. Even with rising COVID-19 cases, a trip to Florida is most likely. Here's why:
Would You Head To The Airport For A Pretend Vacation?
Are you missing travel so much that you'd be willing to embark on a pretend vacation? This is exactly what one airport in Asia is offering passengers!
Sorry, but travel won’t return to normal any time soon
We're seeing many stories speculate about the return to normal travel, however the hard fact is that it won't happen any time soon. Here's why...
Current Frustrations Trying to Book Domestic United Tickets Using Turkish Miles
After successfully ticketing multiple reservations by email through a Turkish reservations office, I've run into a rough patch trying to book award flights.
Airplane Inspiration: Aer Lingus A330
Airplane Inspiration: Aer Lingus A330 In order to keep everyone’s spirits up while most of us are stuck…
Travel Is Coming Back! Highest Number of TSA Screenings Yesterday Since April Low
After htting a low of just 4% of year-over-year traffic, Sunday saw the highest number of TSA screenings since the coronavirus pandemic started.
Airplane Inspiration: Royal Brunei A320
Airplane Inspiration: Royal Brunei A320 In order to keep everyone’s spirits up while most of us are stuck…
Is the travel industry co-opting the black lives matter movement?
Travel brands are tweeting that black lives matter, but do they want to push for societal change or are they genuflecting at the altar of public opinion?
Airplane Inspiration: LATAM Airlines 767
Airplane Inspiration: LATAM Airlines 767 In order to keep everyone’s spirits up while most of us are stuck…
Airplane Inspiration: Air China A330
Airplane Inspiration: Air China A330 In order to keep everyone’s spirits up while most of us are stuck…