The hysteria around the Coronavirus continues unabated, with my compatriots in Australia going stark raving mad and stockpiling toilet paper of all things. Meanwhile, I booked flights on the weekend, apparently flying in the face of all reason.

Airlines such as British Airways and Aer Lingus are offering change fee waivers on all new reservations. Deeply discounted ticket sales are on, with Qantas charging an unheard of A$225 return for Brisbane to Christchurch for example. All of this is to try to stimulate demand, which has pretty much collapsed in some regions.

I Booked Flights And Haven’t Cancelled Any

My next trip is before Easter and it is all set and paid for. In fact, I’m still contemplating upgrading one of my sectors to business class for a small fee. I’m not in a high risk group for Covid-19, so I am unconcerned and will travel as scheduled.

It is probable that the whole Coronavirus scare will be short term. Previous outbreaks such as SARS and Bird Flu usually peaked in one to three months and then air traffic returned to normal within six months. There is no reason to believe things will be different this time around and today it is being reported new cases in China are at their lowest level, so things could be on the turn there already.

Some airlines are banking on this. Apparently Willie Walsh mentioned that seats would not be discounted at British Airways after their experience in the past. In the last big downturn due to a disease, seats were sold cheaply and when demand quickly bounced back there weren’t enough seats left to sell at regular prices.

Therefore, on the weekend I booked flights. Prices are generally very reasonable and who am I to say no to competitive fares? You may as well get in while you have the chance, because in all likelihood this won’t last much longer.

Overall Thoughts

Of course, I booked flights to places that aren’t currently under quarantine so the risk to me personally is quite low. Everyone is entitled to their own reaction to Coronavirus, so if you are one to immediately cancel all travel and hide in your house with a tin foil hat on surrounded by toilet paper, then have at it.

Everyone should asses the risk personally to them and make their own informed decision. Automatically reacting due to media reporting and without checking the facts is perhaps not the best way to do things. Airlines are doing the right thing by cancelling services, because flying empty aircraft is a financial and environmental disaster. How quickly these will be restored is anyone’s guess.

Have you booked flights recently or have you cancelled your travel plans? I’d be interested to hear your opinion. Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

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Featured image by Bao Menglong on Unsplash.