Blizzards Are Fun….NOT!

I’m a little loathe to pontificate about traveling this week by air when I wasn’t involved (thankfully), but I can’t help myself.  Frankly, I can’t think of a worse week for a winter storm like the one that struck a wide swath across the southern and eastern US this week.  I suppose Thanksgiving might be worse, but the odds are much lower that you’re going to get a big storm then.  A scenario where Atlanta gets snow on Christmas Day, Washington and Philadelphia get a little bit of snow but lots of wind, and all three New York area airports close due to blizzard conditions is just a nightmare.  Couple that with a high percentage of travelers this week are inexperienced yearly fliers, and you’ve got the makings of a big mess in travel that’s likely to last throughout this week.  My heart goes out to the folks caught in this mess.  Try your best to be patient, but I know that’s easier said than done, especially when you hear that it might be days before you can be confirmed on another flight.  Any readers stuck in this mess?

  1. @Andrea, the worst experience I’ve had was the Friday before christmas last year when all the business travelers were trying to get home, and the last flight of the night was delayed by 5 hours at ORD because the aircraft couldn’t get out of where it was (and where it was returning.) Nobody was in a good mood, especially since the UAX agents were having to work late, and the passengers arrived to roads in a mess

  2. Does gate agent hell count? You can only imagine the sheer hell on my side of the counter. We’re ready to scream as loudly as they are. I’m officially done with the holidays, 1st timers and bad weather mixed together. Argh!

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