The Air Canada schedule change email has been my favorite secret feature of travel hacking. This is a gut feeling, however, I am led to believe there has been significant changes to how Air Canada handles schedule changes.

Last week I woke up to an interesting email. It was not an email informing me that there was a schedule change and I could search for alternative flights. Instead, it was an email letting me know I have been automatically rebooked.

Air Canada Schedule Change Email as of last week

Air Canada Schedule Change Email as of last week

This is contrast to my typical email I receive:

Older Air Canada schedule change email

Older Air Canada schedule change email

The first email forces me to call Air Canada to request for changes to my reservation. The second email allows me to do it automatically.

Why is that important? I wrote about how to use schedule changes to improve your itinerary. With this change, even a change by a few minutes will require a call to Air Canada. Unfortunately, because a human will be making the change, I don’t think they will allow me to change my itinerary by a week, because my flight landed home 10 minutes earlier.

I am going to call this developing news, but this is definitely a big loss in my mind.