My Top 20 Travel Photos of 2021

a bridge over a body of water with boats and mountains in the background

In the vein of “best of 2021” here at Travel Update, I thought I’d put together a post of my favorite photos from my travels. I’m slowly practicing photography, but it has fallen down the priority list. These are a mix picked for a variety of criteria, including personal sentimental value of a particular day, place, or event.

Ten isn’t enough. Double that is probably adequate. It was still a lot to go through and difficult to decide at times. Alaska definitely dominates. Hope you enjoy!

a city landscape with trees and blue sky
Bogota, Colombia
a large rock on a grassy hill
Giant boulder, Falls Creek Trail, Alaska
a group of people riding bicycles in a plaza
Kids playing at Air Albania Stadium, Tirana
a person in a red shirt by a lake with snow covered mountains
Boy at Divide Lake, Portage Glacier Trail, Alaska
a dog walking in front of a building
Capilla de la Conchita, Coyoacan, CDMX
two boys playing in a military vehicle
Cousins, Santa Rosa Air Museum
a road with trees and mountains in the background with Alberta Highway 93 in the background
Eagle River Road, Chugach State Park, Alaska
a city with trees and buildings
Filopappou Hill, Athens
a lizard on a rock
Iguana, Yuacatan, Mexico
a grassy valley with a stream running through it
Falls Creek Trail, Chugach State Park
a city with trees and buildings
CDMX Skyline
a group of people in a square with a dome shaped building in the background with Monastiraki in the background
Monastiraki, Athens
a body of water with mountains in the background
Moutains above Girdwood, Alaska
a path with a painted path on it
Painted staircase, Pristina, Kosovo
a group of people boarding an airplane
Boarding the inaugural Avelo flight out of ACV
a group of people standing on a street with a yellow car
Taxi in La Ciudad Amurallada, Cartagena, Colombia
a cityscape with a body of water in the background
Best shot I’ve ever gotten of San Francisco from the air
a marina with boats and mountains in the background
Whittier, Alaska
boats on a canal with boats
Xochimilco, CDMX
a dirt road through a grassy area with mountains in the background
Rugova Mountains, Kosovo


  1. And I generally took the best photos when I was traveling by car in Denver. I believe that it is better to rent a car when you need to see and explore something. So you can drive a new car every time according to your mood. I then rented a car with a panoramic roof by pre-booking on this website.

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