The Game – Am I For Real?

What kind of title is that? Well, I wrote that mainly to get your attention, but there is a method in my madness. The game is the miles and points game, and I was playing it before I even knew it was a game. Not too long ago, I wrote a piece entitled On Making Peace with Miles and PointsSeriously, It’s Time to Think About Tomorrow. That blog got a little attention based on my traffic data, and I continue to stand by what I said. The game is changing and there is nothing we can do about it except learn to play on a new level. There will still be value out there, and there are a lot of tools out there to help all of us find it.

Now, about playing the game and that being for real thing. I read a lot of blogs, forums, magazines, and newspapers in order to stay on top of all things travel. Not everything I read about makes it through to this space for a few reasons. First, I refuse to just repackage and restate what others have already said for the sake of tossing up a blog post. That doesn’t mean that I won’t offer my own take on things if there is some really big travel news being discussed in the blogosphere. Second, as a result of a confluence of events in my other life, I am not able to offer anything in the way of hard-hitting commentary in this space on the airline industry (as much as I’d really like to) and that carries over to their loyalty programs. Generalities, and the occasional trip report, sure, but no deep dives into airline operations or their mileage plans. Finally, if you are looking for a blog to offer you insights on how to manage applying for 14 credit cards a day based on who pulls credit reports from where, I’m afraid I can’t help you there either. Don’t get me wrong, I really was flipping cards before I knew it had a name, but that was one or two cards per year, not per week. I’ll certainly continue to apply for card products that are offering big bonus points from time to time, and I’ll share those experiences here.

With that as background, I suppose it’s fair to ask what the heck am I doing here? Well, travel is a lot bigger than a frequent flier program. There are hotels and hotel point programs galore, great rewards programs like Ultimate Rewards, and just in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m the only one around these parts that talks about cruising, and there’s lots of unexplored territory in that regard. Since my first post in August 2006, I’ve enjoyed sharing travel experiences here, and learning together. I’m looking forward to many more years of the same. And that’s the real deal. 🙂

-MJ, March 21, 2013

  1. MJ, I’m looking forward to reading your series on how to find good value cruises.. totally uncharted territory for me and not too many bloggers cover it. Getting sick of the discussion of same cards in every blog..

    I respect your courage to stay away from CC and offer original content.. and I know that takes time

  2. Since cruising is not covered in the others’ blogs, I am looking forward to hearing more about it here. Although I daily read alot on miles/points blogs, Its definitely a refreshing break to learn more about cruising. Can’t wait to hear more from you MJ!

  3. I get a lot of emails from united cruises (I’m assuming other airlines partner with cruises as well) but wanted to get your thoughts on these “deals”

    1. @Grant, I’ve used an airline portal (Delta’s) just once. It worked fine, and the miles posted soon after my cruise. They charged a $25 dollar booking fee. Not sure 1500 SkyMiles was worth that, but I wanted to try the booking service. Everything worked fine.

  4. I enjoyed your session at Chicago seminars and it was good to meet others who use points to get us to our international cruise ports. I enjoy reading about cruises and agree travel is big and points is a small subset of the pie so everyone has something to offer and learn

  5. Well said! The recent blogs about the reconsideration strategies for flipping cards is very bothersome. I usually get one new card a year to replace one I no longer use but the bloggers that need spreadsheets to track min spend requirements and first possible churn date for a card are not providing any value to me.

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