T Minus 4 Days and Counting….

…until my first flight under the new security rules. It will also be my first non-RJ flight on the “new” US Airways since the America West and US Airways frequent flyer programs and website have merged. So I’ll be sure and post a trip report after the weekend about my airline experience as well as what happens, if anything, with the new security rules.

So far so good. Our upgrades cleared at the Chairman’s Preferred 7 day window, and I even received the promised upgrade notification email that is a new offering from US Airways for its elite flyers. I know that I’d said in an earlier post that I’m no longer crediting my US flights to Dividend Miles, and that is generally true, but I had my reasons for going with Dividend Miles this time. All mainline flights, and I get the chance to try out the new upgrade program. Who knows, maybe this trip will be so great that I decide to forgo Mileage Plus and switch to Dividend Miles?!?!

But best of all, we get to spend the weekend with good friends and have good fun. And in the end, isn’t that the best thing about the freedom to travel?

  1. Sir,

    I stumbled across your blog a couple weeks ago, about the time you began it, and have enjoyed reading since. I have put your link on my blog because I really enjoy reading your thoughts and insights.

    Have a good long weekend; I am very interested to read about your air travel experience.


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