Summer Travel Tips Vol. II – Please Don’t Act Like a Fool On an Airplane

HT: Lucky

I would like to start this post with how I can’t believe what I’m seeing, but then I would not be telling the truth. Unfortunately, after four years in the middle of an airport operation for a very big airline, I absolutely can believe it. In fact, I’ve had to deal personally with a few idiots like this. Thankfully, most interactions don’t require the police. This group of Charlotte bound passengers was not so lucky though. My favorite phrase out of the whole thing? “I’m college educated, you are going to have to tell me more than that.”

Maybe I will weave some of my more interesting tales from the airport, like the lady that grabbed the captain on the cheeks and said you look old enough to fly me to Dallas, into a blog post someday. Anyone interested?

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Loved watching your video. For me, traveling is tied in with looking for new experiences. Furthermore, these experiences become considerably more fun when you can share them with an old buddy. Please have a visit to my blog on Top 7 Destinations to Visit During Summer


I think they were taxiing out and had to return to the gate because she wouldn’t stop talking on her phone. Then the cops arrived and it only got better…

Dave Golden

What a dummy! But at least she is college educated.

This kind of drama is very entertaining! More please!


According to news reports the woman was removed from the flight because she would not stop talking on her cellphone as ordered by the flight crew prior to take off.


Tales from the airport would make great reading.
Count me in!

Gary Krausz

Didn’t any of the police officers have a stun-gun? It would have made for better video. Also, surprising how difficult it is to get a seated passenger out of an airplane seat. A by-product of smaller seat pitch, I guess.

Marshall Jackson

I was a little surprised how much effort it took too.


So, what did she do?
Looking forward to your interesting airport tales.

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