Hotel Loyalty, What’s the Point of it All?

With all the devaluations going on in the major hotel programs, it’s easy to wonder what the point of loyalty is. Much like airline programs, hotel loyalty programs are evolving in some ways. Many would say a few choice words other than “evolving” are more appropriate. On the other hand, I think there is a point to remaining loyal. I’ve been spending more time at Marriott Hotels this year than I have in a while. I realize that makes me the “anti-blogger” when it comes to hotels. Let’s face it, Marriott Rewards is not sexy at all, but it works for me and my travel patterns right now. Of course, the thing I love most about Marriott is that you know what you’re going to get.

While I appreciate consistency, sometimes a change is nice. There are alternatives to the big chains out there, and I thought I’d look at some of those over the next few days beginning with my favorite not so huge chain hotel program, Kimpton InTouch, a program not based on “points” at all. I realize that just a couple days ago, I said I won’t “just repackage and restate what others have already said for the sake of tossing up a blog post” but I’ve had Kimpton on my mind for a while now. I’m not the only one as Scott at HackMyTrip had some thoughts on Kimpton just the other day. Frankly, I’m surprised Kimpton doesn’t get more attention than it does on the interweb. I’ve found their hotels to be awesome, their staff awesome, their restaurants awesome…. In other words, I think Kimpton is awesome. 😀

Just for being a member of InTouch, you’ll receive free wi-fi and a minibar credit of $10 dollars ($15 in NYC). I suppose the ultimate purpose of a hotel loyalty program from a guest perspective is earning free hotel stays. At a time in my life when I appreciate making things simpler, Kimpton InTouch fits the bill. After 7 stays or 20 nights, you earn a free night. That’s it.

As we know, I’m a fan of elite status programs, and Kimpton InTouch has frequent guests covered with Inner Circle status. After 15 stays or 45 nights, you’ll earn Inner Circle status. Inner Circle includes space available upgrades and my favorite, your choice of at least two snacks or drinks delivered to your room. You can review the other Inner Circle benefits as well as the terms and conditions of the entire program here.

In summary, I think Kimpton Hotels and the InTouch program offer compelling benefits to any business or leisure traveler who travels to major cities across the country. And I haven’t even mentioned the hosted wine hour! My next Kimpton stay is coming soon, and I’ll be sure to provide a full review here.

-MJ, March 23, 2013

  1. MJ,

    I don’t think anyone would argue that Kimpton does not have a great hotel program. I have stayed at several of their properties, and each time was very impressed. However, I think the reason Kimpton is never (or rarely) spoken of on big travel blogs, is is the absence of a credit card. I do not want that to be taken the wrong way. It’s not that there is no incentive for the blogger to make a commission, but it is that the audience of several blogs simply does not pay, or have a business pay, for their hotel stays; they are simply looking for a cheap way to travel. If one is only able to reach rewards with a large cash outlay (and with 7 stays one is looking at more than $1,400 cash to get a free night) it becomes very difficult to earn as many free nights as one could through credit card spend.

    1. @Jordo06, You are correct, of course. Where I’m eventually headed with my pontification about loyalty is that there is still value in it….but there are alternatives. I’ll tie it all together eventually…. and credit cards will be a part of the conversation. For example, even with Hilton’s devaluation, I think the Hilton Reserve Visa should be in every traveler’s wallet….as long as its current benefits remain the same.

  2. @Scottrick

    It’s simply currency inflation, no different from how that $0.05 candy bar from the black&white movies is now $1.00 at Target.

    Inflation punishes the saver. If you put your real-life dollars under a mattress you’re a fool because they’re losing 2-3% of value per year. Modern economies try to have some inflation to encourage people to spend and keep the economy moving.

    For the purposes of the hotel chains there are tons and tons and tons of loyalty points metaphorically “sitting under the mattress”. So if they keep devaluing those every couple of years they cut costs because there’s fewer hotel reward stays they have to pay out.

    If you’re paying with someone else’s money (business travel) then maybe it’s still a little worth it to be loyal to a hotel chain. But the inflation is so rampant and discount offers like and priceline so readily available there’s no reason to be loyal to a hotel chain if you’re paying with your own money. Just be loyal to priceline or

  3. Another way to look at it is that Kimpton just assigns one, super valuable point for every stay. But you’re right, it isn’t tied to the amount you spend.

    My beef is programs that award huge multiples of points. Hilton awards 10 base points, for example, and then you see award nights that cost almost 100,000 points per night. Why not divide everything by 10? It seems odd to attract customers by offering giant bonuses, then scare them with award costs nearing millions for a few nights in a suite.

    1. I like your way of looking at it. I don’t claim to be an expert, but my feeling on points currencies and these super high bonuses is that it’s inevitably led to inflation. Too many points chasing too few available rooms…..or seats on an airplane. Hilton is a good example. What’s happening with them and the other programs is inevitable.

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