GUIDE: Twunning (Tweeting + Running) a Race!

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Whether a 5K or a full marathon, if you want keep yourself entertained while running, or share the experience (without the blisters) with the world, consider “twunning” (tweeting + running) your next race!

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As I was training for the Illinois Marathon‘s Half Marathon this past March, I asked my friends what they thought about trying out twunning and how could I best do it. ‪#‎funnysignstocome‬

Some friends thought I was nuts.
Others were intrigued.
Others just plain confused:

At first I thought you were going to say twerking and running which actually would be very entertaining for the watchers. Just a thought. -Debbie M.

Actually, Debbie, that would be quite the workout for 13.1 miles!

I do normally run with a small iPod Shuffle, but not my iPhone, mostly out of fear I would break it. But after a test run with an arm case to see how it would go and how the battery life would hold up, I figured I’d give it a go! (After all, I had not trained as much as I had hoped, so if anything this would become a built-in excuse for finishing well below my PR.)

It was a great time!

First, the local news got in on the fun…
“Runner to ‘tweet’ during the race”

So the pressure to deliver was really on… and I was off and twunning!
A sample of my tweeted photos are below. Click the photo to enlarge.

Tips for Twunning:

  • Review your mapped race route to determine ideas of set things to tweet about, e.g. historical markers.
  • Draft some tweets about these ideas ahead of time so you can just add your photo and tweet quickly.
  • Draft a simple tweet to copy, paste, repeat to use for posting pics of all the great race signs, e.g. “SIGNS [number] #twunning #ILMarathon”
  • Check the race’s official twitter account for what hashtag they’ll be using. This may make it easier for people to follow you live for the fun or review your tweets later.
  • Be ready for connectivity issues near the start. A lot of people means overwhelmed cell towers.
  • STOP and MOVE OVER when writing and taking a photo! Safety and courtesy to your fellow runners come first.
US Flag USA! Thanks Champaign Fire Department!
Mile 0: USA! Thanks Champaign Fire Department!
Mile 1: Illinois Alma Mater Selfie
Illinois Alma Mater Selfie
One of the great signs to keep you going!
One of the great signs to keep you going!
MILE 2: Lincoln ran a race in front of the Champaign Courthouse too! (May 12, 1851 Abraham Lincoln, while he was a lawyer, won a footrace against Samuel Waters.)
Lincoln ran a race in front of the Champaign Courthouse too! (May 12, 1851 Abraham Lincoln, while he was a lawyer, won a footrace against Samuel Waters.)
Bacon 'n Beer Station!
Bacon ‘n Beer Station!
Non-human fans work too!
Non-human fans work too!
A race signage "classic"
A race signage “classic”
5K + 13.1m of twunning done!
5K + 13.1m of twunning done!


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