Well, the forecast turned south earlier this week, and of course, Washington gets a winter storm on the day I want to travel. We boarded right on time, and were ready to go. Of course, we had to de-ice, so there was a bit of a delay with that. Unfortunately, while we were getting de-iced, the tower pronounced the current weather conditions to be “moderate” freezing rain. And Delta (and probably most other airlines) doesn’t fly in moderate freezing rain. The captain explained things pretty well, closing out his announcement with “it could be 10 minutes, or it could be 2 hours.” That wouldn’t be such a bad thing if we weren’t already on the plane and worse yet, 20 feet from the gate!
In any event, the weather gods smiled on us, and within about 20 minutes, the freezing rain turned to “light.” Unfortunately, we had to de-ice again. Not that de-icing is a bad thing, but it did add another 20 minutes or so to our delay. In other words, we were running one hour late. We blasted off in short order right after the second de-icing session and bounced all the way to Atlanta. The Captain asked the flight attendants to remain seated for the entire flight, so no beverages.