Sunday’s ATL-LAX transcon on Delta Air Lines offered a great opportunity to try out Delta’s new entertainment options with Delta Studio™. For this flight, I was working on my laptop, so I decided to try the service on that. I downloaded the plugin, and then went to I searched for movies, and clicked on the one I wanted, Lone Survivor. It said “rent for $6” or something like that, but just below that was a link for First Class passengers. I clicked on that, entered my name and seat number, and I was on my way.

After a few cache building moments at the beginning of the movie, I was worried the experience might not be that great. However, those couple of fits and starts at the beginning were the last, and the movie played through perfectly with no interruptions. I was able to remain online to occasionally glance at emails, and watch what turned out to be a really good movie. My first Delta Studio™ was a big win. Have you tried the new entertainment options? How was your experience?
-MJ, September 10, 2014
Actual got to watch an episode of “Life with Louie” on my iPad for free in Economy Comfort 2 weekss ago ATL-Kalispell, MT (forgot airport code)
Tried using it last Thur on flight from LAS to ATL. Unfortunately it kept telling me my device was not supported even though I was on an iPad with the latest IOS. Should have stuck with renting from iTunes.