Meet United’s Most Frequent Flyer, New KLM Business Class Seat, and The Case Against Travel

a seat on an airplane


I’ve seen Tom in and out of blogging news for years now. This story helps put a personality behind the face. I don’t get the criticism of Tom at all.

Dutch Flag Carrier Unveils New Business Class Seats With Lightweight Doors – Paddle Your Own Kanoo

This is such great news. I actually really like KLM business, even with the current product. A new seat plus the same Dutch charm will be an excellent business class option to Europe.

The Case Against Travel – The New Yorker

As with many things, there is an element of truth in this article. But also a lot of straw-manning and outright falsehood. It’s been making the rounds, so if you haven’t already read it, it’s worth the time. Even if I disagree with much of it.

Find An Interesting Story?

Check out the other recent roundup if you haven’t already. Feel free to comment here if you find other interesting points, miles, or travel stories!

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