Diary of a Trans Atlantic Cruise: Rocking and Rolling

a body of water with clouds and sun

Four days into 9 days at sea, I have a few trans Atlantic cruise tips to share. First, Happy Halloween! Allure of the Seas is getting decked out for what promises to be a raucous Halloween party tonight. I’ll be dressing as….wait for it…a pirate! Halloween is almost always a big party night on a cruise, and even with an older than average group of cruisers on board, it appears everyone is looking to have a good time tonight. Now, a few lessons learned.

Smoother seas ahead? - Image © 2015 Marshall Jackson
Smoother seas ahead? – Image © 2015 Marshall Jackson

So Far So Good But Seas Have Been Less than Ideal

I highly recommend you talk to your pharmacist about a good over the counter remedy to combat motion sickness if you’re the least bit prone to it, and are taking a trans-Atlantic cruise. I’ve never had motion sickness and I can only assume the flying time in my “youth” has me well adjusted to motion. I am the only person in our party of four that hasn’t felt the impact of the motion on this cruise. Thankfully, no one has been truly “sick” just a little off. As we make our way further south, the sea conditions are expected to improve.

Bring a Book or e-Reader

The activities staff has done a decent job of filling the days at sea with things to do, but one can only take so many sessions of trivia and dance class. Hey, there was an even an airline logo trivia session! Fill in some down time by catching up on reading. The internet has been mercifully reliable on this cruise and the pricing is not awful considering we’re on a ship in the middle of the ocean – $165 for unlimited access for 12 days for one device. It’s not blazing, but stable and quick enough for emails, pictures, etc.

Get Some Exercise

I have discovered the gym during this cruise. Word of advice – get there early or late in the afternoon. It is very crowded during prime morning hours. Allure has a nice jogging track that I’ve made some use of, with the exception of yesterday when it was just too windy and fugly out to even remotely enjoy it. Frankly, walking on a treadmill wasn’t that joyful either.

Experiment with New Things

It pains me to no end to see people queue up for burgers and fries on a cruise when they could be trying escargot, finer dining in one of the several specialty restaurants on board, or tasting new wines at the wine bar. During a trans Atlantic cruise, there is no need to rush anywhere for a shore tour…..take some time and experiment with new things you might not be able to at home.

Bottom line – trans Atlantic cruising is not your typical Bahamas booze cruise. I love being at sea and I’m getting plenty of that during this cruise. 🙂 It might not be for everyone, but if you have cruised before and want to try something different, a trans Atlantic cruise might be just the ticket.

-MJ, October 31, 2015

  1. We did an 11-day transatlantic cruise for my 50th birthday – I enjoyed it, my wife did not. We were both bored by the time we got to Barcelona, in part because the entertainment didn’t suit us. But otherwise, I liked it.

  2. You know the activities staff is having to dig deep if they do airline logo trivia. 🙂

    Is it warm outside (for the pool)? Or is it too cold?

    1. We found sunshine and calm seas yesterday afternoon. Honestly, it’s near perfect pool weather this morning. Business picking up by the pool. High 70s today, and only getting warmer from here each day.

  3. I have always imagined that the big tall cruise ships would do poorly in the rough Atlantic. I’ve been dreaming of a transatlantic on the Queen Mary 2 as she is an ocean liner and may do better in the North Atlantic.
    Thanks for the updates. Very fun to read.

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