Delta Air Lines is known for running a reliable operation. I don’t check bags frequently, but when I do, I’m continually amazed at how rapidly my bags are usually delivered, especially in Atlanta. A while back, Delta instituted a 20 minute “bags on time” guarantee for checked bags. If your bags weren’t delivered in 20 minutes, Delta will credit you 2,500 SkyMiles.
Earlier this week, I was forced to check my bag because I was bringing some extra work materials with me and my bag was just too large to carry on. Our flight went fine, and we landed roughly on time. I usually stop off at the Sky Club or somewhere along the way to the carousel, but this time I went directly there where I waited. And waited. OK, it probably wasn’t that bad, but it felt a little lengthier than usual.
On a whim, I looked at our arrival time and at the time the bags were delivered to the carousel. The results: we blocked in at 11 minutes past the hour, and my bag was delivered at 34 minutes after the hour, a 23 minute wait. I decided to try for those 2,500 miles. Filing the claim was easy, I just visited Delta’s website where they have a page just for this.
It took just a minute to fill out, and I submitted it. I had heard that responses were pretty quick, but I did not expect it to be this quick
As promised, I took a look at my SkyMiles balance and the 2,500 miles had already posted.
The Bottom Line
I like that Delta has the confidence to make a guarantee like this. Even better, in my experience, they almost always meet their bags on time guarantee. When they don’t, they follow through.
Are you kidding? It’s been a huge source of miles for the last 6 months.
The ground crew at my hometown airport is dreadful. I mean the worst.
8 trips home this year, 8 X 2500 miles.
Of course this means I sit around the baggage carousel at all hours but miles are miles. Might as well get paid:)
I haven’t checked enough bags this year to really pay attention. They’re almost always waiting for me when I get to the carousel in Atlanta. But having waited at DCA bag claim enough with some of the not quite as skilled packers I sometimes travel with, this is something I’m going to pay more attention to.