Looks Like I Need A COVID-19 Test For My Next Trip

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Well, it looks like I need my first COVID-19 test for travel. I was hoping to avoid this, even heading into 2021. But I guess it had to be an eventuality. As of tomorrow, December 30, the Brazil COVID-19 test requirement for entry into the country by air goes into effect. Since I rescheduled a planned solo trip to São Paulo from October to January, it looks like I need to get tested before I go. The tough part is that I might not be able to pull this off.

Brazil COVID-19 Test Requirement

Starting December 30, 2020, Brazil will require a COVID-19 test and health declaration to be provided for entry into the country. Brazil has been open to tourists since July, and this is the first time testing has been a requirement for entry. The land borders continue to be closed to foreigners.

Here are the details on the Brazil COVID-19 test requirement and entry restrictions:

  • U.S. citizens are permitted to enter
  • Effective December 17, Brazil extended the restrictions on entry of foreigners by land (unless for transit) and sea, for an indefinite period.
  • The entry of foreign visitors traveling by air for a short stay of up to 90 days is currently permitted but beginning December 30, all travelers to Brazil by air (Brazilians and foreigners) must present the following to the airline before boarding:
    1. Traveler’s Health Declaration (DSV): filled out (in print or digitally) agreeing to sanitary measures that must be complied with during the traveler’s time in Brazil. Note: the Brazilian government has not issued the specifics of this document yet but it is understood that the form will be distributed prior to boarding the airplane to Brazil. For further questions on this document, please contact your airline.
    2. Negative COVID-19 test: specifically, a document from a laboratory test (RT-PCR) for screening for infection by SARS-CoV-2, with a negative/non-reactive result, performed within 72 hours prior to the moment of boarding; Please see below further clarifications from the Brazilian government regarding the required COVID-19 test:
      • The COVID-19 test must be a document from a laboratory test (RT-PCR) for screening for infection by SARS-CoV-2, with a negative/non-reactive result, performed within 72 hours prior to the moment of boarding;
      • Test document must be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English;
      • The test must be carried out in a laboratory recognized by the health authority of the country of departure;
      • Children under the age of twelve who are traveling with a companion are exempt from presenting a COVID-19 test provided that all companions present the required negative/non-reactive COVID-19 tests. However, children aged two or over and less than twelve years old who are traveling unaccompanied must present proof of the negative/non-reactive COVID-19 test;
      • Children under the age of two years are exempt from presenting a negative COVID-19 test;
      • In the event of travel to Brazil with connections or stopovers where the traveler remains in a restricted area of the airport, the seventy-two hour period applies for prior to boarding the first flight of the trip.

Proof of health insurance is no longer required. The country also remains listed at Level 4 Travel Advisory (Do Not Travel) by the U.S. State Department. There are currently no intra-Brazil travel restrictions, curfews, or quarantine requirements.

Brazil COVID-19 test requirement

What A Headache This Is

I may actually end up canceling the trip, if I can get a refund for all of the tickets. Getting a COVID-19 test in time before the trip is going to be difficult, if not impossible. The samples collected in our county are shipped out by plane routinely. We may not have a rapid testing center that can process them immediately. I know the ones from CVS take 3-4 days to get results back, and that is a nonstarter for the Brazil COVID-19 test requirement.

My plane lands in São Paulo at 7:00 AM on Sunday, January 24. My departure is at 12:41 PM on Saturday, January 23. This means I have to be tested sometime and receive results between Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning, assuming that the prior to travel requirement is indeed correct. It would be safest to get tested on Thursday, if I can get rapid results.

Considering that the typical lab test takes too long to process, I either need to find a place locally that does rapid COVID-19 testing, or I may need to head out of the area. This could kill an entire day prior to the trip, which I’m not considering worth it at this point to make this happen. I really didn’t expect a Brazil COVID-19 test requirement to be put in place, given how lax the country has been compared to many others. There aren’t many countries that require neither testing nor quarantine.

Final Thoughts

Obviously, I understand the need for COVID-19 testing and am not arguing against it. I’d rather see countries remain open to tourism with testing and screening requirements in place, as this is the most practical solution for balancing both economic and health concerns. Quarantines effectively kill travel. But I would be lying if I didn’t see this as a headache since I live in a rural area.

  1. PCR test are completely useless unless you’re symptomatic.
    Especially with a cycle threshold above 25.
    Another waste of time, money, and a killer of travel/tourism.
    What is great however is that business class seats can be had for a pittance.

    1. It is costly. I spent about ~$200 on testing for this recent trip. Would be rough doing that for 5 people, just to go on a family trip.

      Award space and flight deals are amazing right now, that is for sure.

  2. I didn’t realize that your readers are Trump voters, or so it would seem. The lack of respect for.Covid-19 shown by these responses is appalling and, given that the U.S. is the world’s #1 manufacturer and exporter of the virus, not surprising. Now in the 4th African country of this trip, and headed to the 5th and final one Saturday, I’ll dutifully submit my nose again to the PCR test. That America doesn’t require these is one reason for our. pandemic.

  3. American, did a 3 day trip to Brazil last week (flew out yesterday).

    Zero drama anywhere.

    Too bad one more country will fall for this nonsense.
    As Kelly said, might just be best to get a fake test now. I think many people are doing it, and it makes a lot of sense instead of waiting for a real one.

    1. Exactly… I’d say the chances of getting the cooties would actually increase by going to one of the cooties testing places! No way I’d let them stick anything up my nose like that. Besides, like you said, pretty much over half of people are just showing these fake test results as you can get them instantly for a couple bucks and no time versus wasting real dollars and significant amounts of time to play the cooties nonsense games.

  4. You can easily purchase these on the internet and have them in 5 minutes… very inexpensive and have worked for us four times already.

    1. Purchase the test…and then ship in a sample? I don’t understand how you can receive anything in five minutes.

      1. You just pay a few bucks and then receive the certificate that you need that says you don’t have cooties. No need for samples or testing.

    1. At the moment I’m located in Brazil, but also in New York City. Your list is very interesting and potentially helpful, but only a single location is listed in all of New York City – the biggest City in the Country — and the quickest PCR test they offer is 48 hours (for $200!) and not same day. That’s a bit better than 3 day of course, but still makes it a practical near impossibility for most people.

      In New York people generally need to wait on line for hours for a PCR test . . . the lines stretch down the block. In contrast, I found a lab in Rio de Janeiro that offered walk in service with results within <72 hours for R$350, and <48 hours for R$500. Same day service was also available.

    2. I’m in rural northern California, in the middle of the redwoods along the coast. Looks like there isn’t even anything in the Bay Area on the same day list. 🙁 But thank you for the link! Hopefully it helps others.

      1. Not sure which version CVS uses but Walgreens uses rapid PCR tests at some of their locations – they show it on their map when you put in your zip code. Results came back by email in about 30 minutes for me a couple months ago. I had to go to a specific one in my city – of the 6 they had only 1 did the rapid PCR.

  5. The government seems dead set on destroying the tourism sector. As you know, it’s nearly impossible to get a Covid PCR test in most of the United States and have the results in time to get on a plane to Brazil. Another own goal.

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