Airline Clubs, Worth Every Penny
I’m often asked how I feel about the various airport clubs operated by the airlines. I’m a very…
US Airways Itinerary Reminder
Just a reminder to check on your upcoming US Airways flights that could be affected by the change…
US Airways Travelers Should Review Their Itineraries Over the Next Few Days
US Airways has announced that it will publish new fare booking classes for both US Airways and America…
A Word About Comair 5191
Another tragic accident that should not have happened. But as with others, the best we can hope for…
Trip Report – US Airways
As promised, I wanted to share some details of my US Airways flights over the weekend. Not only…
All Time Greatest Airline Myth # 1
In my opinion, the # 1 airline myth is….. that airlines cancel flights due to low load factors.…
T Minus 4 Days and Counting….
…until my first flight under the new security rules. It will also be my first non-RJ flight on…
Northwest and Its Flight Attendants Walk to the Edge
Having sat on both the labor and management side of the table at an airline, I always take…
The New Normal
“The New Normal” was a phrase that first appeared in the aftermath of 9/11. Or at least that’s…
Did You Really Have to Yell?
This may be a lengthy post. Let me begin by apologizing in advance if I sound lecturous, or…