I had a quick 1 hour and 20 minute flight from DFW to San Antonio and ended up flying in the A319 EOW.
This is one plane I do not get to be on much. As so much of my time is on the 737-800 and A321, it was nice to experience the A319.
The handle for opening the door from the inside is quite distinctive.

A quick peek inside the cockpit. Smallish looking space but the pilots did take good care of us.
There is a small first class section, nice comfortable looking head supports.
Older narrower baggage compartments, nice leather covered 3×3 seating.
Enough space for my long legs because of being seated up front of the coach section in the preferred seats.
This A319 has video screens so the safety video was played on the screen. A nice video, a lot of participation from American Airlines staff.
The safety card is still the same, last updated in October 2022.
The entertainment and refreshment card does change every month as new content is added to the movies, tv and music lists.
There is such a variety of content available, Real Housewives, Up and Saw X for example.
The weather was not great and the ride was bumpy so no drinks or snacks were served. Being a short flight that was not really a problem.
On landing I was able to watch the engine cowl open which enabled the reverse thrust to help the plane slow down. Always fascinating to watch air dynamics at work.
That was the end of this short and sweet flight to San Antonio on the American Airlines A319 EOW.
AA is in the process of refurbishing these A319s. The 8 seats currently in First class will become 12, and the coach seats also being replaced, as the video screens are being taken out. They are densifying the cabin.
Thanks for the pictures of landing at SAT. Looks like you landed on 31L. That is where I started my ATC career in the FAA after being ATC in the Air Force for four years. I was at SAT for nine years before going on to do bigger and better things, but returned as a supervisor, and I retired from there in 2014. Also, when I was there, runways 13/31 were 12/30 and runway 4/22, was 3/21.