AA First Class Lunch: ORD-PDX

a screenshot of a flight

I know I’ve been writing about American a lot lately, but I’ve experienced an increase in flying on American through a confluence of events. Based on the stats, readers like seeing what’s on the menu, and since I’m on a lunch flight, I thought I’d post. MrsMJ and I are making our way to PDX for the weekend. We had a late start out of Atlanta, but were able to run for our connection and make it with minutes to spare. I haven’t boarded a flight when everyone else was on in a long time, so I guess I needed the practice! But on to the show.

I pre-ordered today’s lunch which was a lemon thyme chicken served with a quinoa arugula salad.

aa first class lunch, arugula salad

Lunch was preceded by American’s signature warm mixed nuts and a delicious red wine, one of the new wines they began to serve just yesterday. It’s a G.S.M. blend, and frankly, I find it to be an improvement over the red wine I enjoyed last week between DFW and DCA. I love the hint of spice and oak in this wine. The main course was delivered and accompanied by either a cheese or sour dough roll.


The greens were fresh, the hummus was just right, and frankly, so was the whole meal. The chicken might have been just a tad rubbery in spots, but not enough for me to really complain about. Lunch was just about right for a slightly less than 4 hour flight. Dessert was a salted caramel cheesecake.

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I like cheesecake, and this was pretty good….especially since I like caramel too. 🙂 For good measure, MrsMJ had the spinach and cheese tortellini option. She was kind enough to snap a photo for inclusion in the post.


She liked it. It was also accompanied by the hummus plate as well as a small salad and the same dessert.

MJ’s Take

I’m a fan of American’s lunch salads. They are a near perfect amount of food for me. New wines in domestic first started yesterday, and there is a long list of good things coming to American in food and wine in the next few months. I have a post in the queue on that.

-MJ, July 2, 2015

  1. Ordering food before the flight is a great feature on AA. Did they offer a pre-departure drink on these flights? That’s an area of needed improvement for AA in my experience. US seems to be better at this right now.

    1. @John,

      They brought us water on this flight, but truthfully we boarded 5 minutes before they closed the door. We ran from gate to gate as our inbound was late. PDB is something that AA has always struggled with though I have noticed an increase in actually getting something other than juice or water on many of my recent flights.

  2. While I prefer lighter chicken dishes to heavier (Cheese/cream filled) pastas, I find that AA’s chicken quality has gone down substantially and is often very rubbery and overcooked. I hope this improves soon.

  3. I had the Tortellini on a recent AA flight and enjoyed it as well. Not the best but not bad for airplane food on a fairly short domestic flight.

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